God is Eternal – God is Infinite – God is Our Source of Permanence.

We as humans have a hard time coming to terms with the unavoidable change that is a part of life and the finite amount of time we have here. What we are looking for most of all is something that will be around for all of time, something that is immortal. As we become more aware of the transient character of this world, we find that we have an increased desire for the permanence that comes from other sources.

Freedom In Christ

Wow, have you ever had a moment when something so exciting and powerful kept running through your mind that you just had to share it with the world? That’s what happened to me at 4:30 am when I woke up with “Galatians 5:1” which declares “It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.” New American Standard Bible – racing through my mind like a marathon run!I knew that I had to share this message with everyone because it’s just too important to keep to myself,  it’s too powerful to ignore.

The Holy Spirit Our Source of Empowerment

God has not abandoned us in a helpless and defenceless state. Instead, what Jesus sees for us is a Companion who is capable of taking us through all of life’s hardships. Therefore, we should take courage and be fortified by the knowledge that we are no longer travelling this road of faith by ourselves! We can put a stop to bearing burdens that were never meant for us to shoulder!

The Altar of Relativism

Our Vision & Aspiration – To Reach the World for Christ

The temptation today is to be ambiguous in areas where God has been explicit. To conceal vital information out of fear of offending other people. If we believe the truth of the Gospel, we are not to be offensive but it in itself the message of the Gospel will always offend and it is designated as such.

Life Changes and Life Commencements (being Born Again) will only take place by the Spirit of God within us. The truth of God’s Word ignites to life those around us (the pagans) who are “dead in trespasses and sin”. Only the truth has the power to transform lives.

Legacies never get built on intentions. They’re built on action. Let’s be “Workers together with God”

Trabalhe sua própria salvação com medo e tremor

“…trabalhar sua salvação com medo e tremor…” Foi à luz de “Quão seguros estamos em nossa salvação” que este estudo surgiu.

Portanto, vamos passar algum tempo juntos, e eu rezo para que isso dissipe a noção “errada” de que um “Indivíduo nascido de Deus pode ficar por nascer” e que os “Documentos de Adoção nas cortes judiciais do Céu para sempre garantidos pela morte de Cristo e indelevelmente assinados em Seu sangue no Calvário” possam ser “negados”, “frustrando assim a soberania de Deus e a obra que Cristo realizou no Calvário para aqueles “Escolhidos antes da fundação do Mundo” e maravilhosamente escolhidos no primeiro pacto entre – Deus Pai, Deus Filho e Deus Espírito Santo, antes que o tempo e o espaço existissem.

É, portanto, para tranquilizar a todos que juntei estas poucas notas. Entristece-me muito descobrir que muitas, muitas pessoas estão presas em mentalidades errôneas e vivem toda a sua peregrinação cristã com a nuvem sobre “serei ou não salvo” – “já fiz o suficiente”, etc.

Travaillez votre propre salut avec crainte et tremblement

“…travaillez à votre salut avec crainte et tremblement…” C’est à la lumière de la question “Dans quelle mesure sommes-nous sûrs de notre salut” que cette étude a vu le jour.

Par conséquent, passons un peu de temps ensemble, et je prie pour que cela dissipe la notion “erronée” qu’un “individu né de Dieu peut devenir non-né” et que les “papiers d’adoption dans les cours judiciaires du Ciel garantis à jamais par la mort de Christ et signés de manière indélébile dans son sang au Calvaire” peuvent être “niés”, “contrecarrant ainsi la souveraineté de Dieu et l’œuvre que le Christ a accomplie au Calvaire pour ceux qui ont été “choisis avant la fondation du monde” et merveilleusement choisis dans la toute première alliance entre – Dieu le Père, Dieu le Fils et Dieu le Saint-Esprit, avant que le temps et l’espace n’existent.

C’est donc dans le but de rassurer tout le monde que j’ai rassemblé ces quelques notes. Cela m’attriste tellement de découvrir que beaucoup, beaucoup de gens sont piégés dans des mentalités erronées et vivent tout leur pèlerinage chrétien avec le nuage “vais-je ou ne vais-je pas être sauvé” – “en ai-je fait assez” etc.


“……你们要战战兢兢地行出你们的救恩……” 正是鉴于 “我们的救恩有多大保障”,才产生了这项研究。

因此,让我们花一些时间在一起,我祈祷这能消除 “错误 “的观念,即 “从神而生的个人可以成为未出生的人”,以及 “在天堂的司法法庭上由基督的死亡和他在髑髅地的血液中不可磨灭的签名永远保证的收养文件 “可以被 “否定。 “因此,上帝的主权和基督在髑髅地为那些 “创世前被拣选 “的人所做的工作,以及在时间和空间存在之前,在父神、子神和圣灵之间的第一个盟约中奇妙地被拣选。

因此,为了让大家放心,我把这几句话放在一起。我非常难过地发现,许多人被困在错误的心态中,在整个基督徒朝圣的过程中都被 “我是否能得救”–“我做得够不够 “等问题所笼罩。