“From Goals Scored and Sets Completed to Souls Won – Rekindling the Church’s Passion for the Great Commission”

In this article, I want to try and provide a balance however between the fervour, enthusiasm and engagement that the Body of Christ may put into these two sporting events (football/soccer and tennis.) plus others.

In addition, to explore the stark contrast between the societal fervent interest and cultural obsession with sports and our often-lukewarm approach and indifferent attitude to spiritual matters of eternal significance i.e. “Winning the Lost for Jesus.” and how this is reflected in the fulfilment and the outworking of the “Great Commission.”

O que é nossa verdadeira preocupação com os perdidos?

Esta é uma pergunta importante e perspicaz para todos nós, e que tenho de fazer regularmente a mim mesmo: “O senhor já se sentiu ocupado demais para perceber aqueles que não conhecem a Deus?” Tenho vergonha de confessar que sei que sim. Equilibrando meu trabalho como evangelista, professor, autor e gerenciando o YouTube e a divulgação nas mídias sociais, tudo isso enquanto trabalho meio período 3 dias por semana em um emprego secular, é fácil ficar preso em minha própria vida e não perceber as necessidades espirituais das pessoas ao meu redor, especialmente daquelas que estão perdidas.

Sentimentale ou creuse Quelle est notre véritable préoccupation pour les perdus ?

Voici une question importante qui nous concerne tous et que je dois me poser régulièrement : “Vous êtes-vous déjà sentis trop occupés pour remarquer ceux qui ne connaissent pas Dieu ? J’ai honte d’avouer que je sais que cela m’est arrivé. En conciliant mon travail d’évangéliste, d’enseignant, d’auteur, et la gestion de YouTube et des médias sociaux, tout en travaillant à temps partiel 3 jours par semaine dans un emploi séculier, il est facile d’être pris dans ma propre vie et de manquer les besoins spirituels des gens autour de moi, et en particulier ceux qui sont perdus.

Heartfelt or Hollow What Is Our True Concern for the Lost?

If we truly have God’s heart, and that is the question we are asking ourselves here today, we must and will be the passionate about reaching those far from Him. Just as the shepherd relentlessly seeks the lost sheep, we too must actively seek out those who are spiritually lost and bound for a Christless eternity – some of whom could be our “Brother, Sister, Child, Neighbour or Work Colleagues or Parent’s” who knows.

Our Divine Calling to Live, Breathe and Express Heaven on Earth.

As children of God, we are more than just regular people confined to this earthly plane, and this has been a central theme in spiritual teachings from the very beginning. Actually, we are more like a band of heavenly messengers (ambassadors), given the Holy Spirit as an empowering force to accomplish a sacred mission which is to make known in our own spheres of influence the heavenly truths of the Gospel.

Blazing the Trail of Authentic Outreach, Evangelism’s Defiance of Hollow Church Growth.

We have two overriding directives summed up in the words of Jesus for every Child of God to live by when he said, “Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.’ This is the most important, the first on any list. But there is a second to set alongside it: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’ These two commands are pegs; everything in God’s Law and the Prophets hangs from them.” Matthew 22:37-40 – The Message.

The Trinity Unwrapped – Defending Against Heretical Assumptions.

Understanding the Trinity is like tackling the ultimate brain teaser in Christianity. Picture this: God is one, but also three – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – each equally important, eternal, and sharing the same divine essence. Wrap your head around that if you can! Through the ages, folks have tried to explain this mind-bending concept using everyday examples.

Revolutionising the Invitation to Accept Jesus.

I like “Star Trek” and one of the headline phrases utilised in it is – “The Prime Directive.” It’s time to remember that the “Prime Directive” of the Church is to outwork what Jesus said – “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned…” Matthew 28:15-19. Along with that there is the addition of “Making Disciples.”