In the first-century church, discipleship and evangelism were inseparable. To be a disciple meant to share the love of Christ with the world. You can’t really be a disciple without being an evangelist, and vice versa. But you know what’s surprising? Many people today want to be disciples without actively sharing their faith. Let’s together change and adopt another mindset and embrace the joy of spreading the good news.
Author: Albert Martin
SENHOR, QUEREMOS VER JESUS Introdução: O perigo de uma perspectiva egocêntrica e o perigo de uma perspectiva obcecada por si mesma. Minha igreja local costumava ter uma faixa sobre a plataforma que não podia passar despercebida por nenhum dos presentes. Ela trazia as palavras “Senhor, gostaríamos de ver Jesus” e é uma escritura encontrada em […]
MONSIEUR, NOUS VERRIONS JÉSUS Introduction : Le danger d’une perspective égocentrique et le péril d’une perspective égocentrique. Mon église locale avait l’habitude d’avoir une bannière au-dessus de la plate-forme qui ne pouvait être manquée par aucune des personnes présentes. Elle portait les mots “Monsieur, nous voudrions voir Jésus” et il s’agit d’une Écriture trouvée dans […]
In our eagerness to impart wisdom and guidance, there is a danger, in our haste to provide wisdom and direction to others, of reducing the teachings of the Bible to merely a checklist of things that need to be accomplished. This reductionist way of thinking can have disastrous effects, such as making people more self-absorbed and preoccupied with themselves.
The Reality and Evidence of Our Freedom in Christ
isten, my friends, I’m speaking as much to myself today as all of us here and online and yes prophetically to the “wider church” saying that God is speaking once again into those tombs. We may have settled into a routine and lost sight of the radical, life-changing power of the Gospel. But today, right now, and right here the Holy Spirit is wanting to shake us out of our complacency and is inviting us into something new.
The Preacher’s Objectives in Preaching
As preachers, we are required to do more than simply enlighten our congregations. Our mission is to inspire and transform lives, which is no simple task. It necessitates a thorough grasp of the art of inspiring preaching, which entails connecting emotionally with our audience, stirring their hearts, and pushing them to act.
Is it truly worth it to follow Jesus?
In this meditation, we’ll discuss how we can choose to place more value on Jesus than anything else. We’ll explore the ways in which He created us, saved us, and called us to something far greater than what this world can provide. By recognising our potential to let go of our desires, ambitions, goals, and plans, we can experience the rewards that come with putting Christ first. Join us as we delve into why His person and plan offer far greater benefits than any risk we may face.
The Sentinel Stone: A Tomb’s Guardian Speaks
I am the stone that was rolled in front of the tomb where Christ was laid. I represent strength, immovability, and power. I was placed there to ensure that no one could enter or exit the tomb. I was heavy, massive, and unyielding. I thought I was invincible and that nothing could move me.
The Untold Story of a Shroud: Secrets of Grave Clothes Unveiled.
As we were carefully removed from Lazarus’ body, we were no longer the garments of death, but the garments of new life. We were a reminder that even in the face of death, there is hope, there is new life, there is the promise of eternal grace.
May we always remember the story of Lazarus, and the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who brings life from death, and who clothes us in his love and grace.
The Dance of Death: A Field of Dry Bones Tells Its Story
In death, the stories of the departed often fade away with the memories of those who knew them. But what if the inanimate objects that witnessed their passing could tell their tales? Imagine the secrets and mysteries they could unravel. In this four-part series, we will explore the perspectives of four such objects: a set of bones, a field of dry bones, a burial shroud and a massive stone.