“A Global, Bible Based Resource Equipping and Empowering Christians”
“First, I thank my God through Jesus the Anointed for all of you because family, and your faith is spreading across the world. For I call God as my witness – whom I worship in my spirit and serve in making known the gospel – He alone knows how often I mention you in my prayers. I find myself constantly praying for you and hoping it’s in God’s will for me to be with you soon. I desperately want to see you so that I can share some gift of the Spirit to strengthen you. Plus, I know that when we come together something beautiful will happen as we are encouraged by each other’s faith.” – “Romans 8:1-11” – The Voice
My Dear Friend and Co-Worker in Christ,
This is the 8th Newsletter I have sent and I hope that this will be of interest to you and will excite you in respect of the work we are carryingout together in various parts of God’s Harvest field.We have all had verydifferent journeys – There have been highs and lows – However, God has been at work and we now arrived at another junction in our pathways.
Let’s remember what it says in “Romans 4:17” – “As it is written: “I have made you a father of many nations.” He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed the God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not.”
In this newsletter I want to let you know about some incredibley exciting things that lay ahead in 2019 & 2020.
However, before I do let me try to encourage you with the following short meditation.
Blessed is the man whose strength is in You whose heart is set on pilgrimage
We love to think we are in control, that we are masters of our destiny, that we are the Kings and Queens of our social and environmental destinies. That’s just what the enemy in the garden wanted Adam and Eve to believe – and look where that got them and where that left us. No! As Gods People we have given up the claim to “Personal Kingship” another now rules in our “hearts and Thinking.” In the Roman times theMaster would make a request and the Slave would say “From Your Mouth to My Hands” and as He Jesus is Kurios (κύριος) and we as His Servants are Doulos (douloß) then that should also be our attitude of heart. I reflect back to a previous meditation – Gods Call Back – 1st Love 102 – https://worldwidechristianministries.org/gods-call-back-1st-love-101/ – inwhich I said: – We all have plans, no problem there (even though) this world is not our home, and we are simply strangers and pilgrims, we are as Gods children the worlds displaced persons – “Hebrews 11:13” tells us “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” We know and its worth reminding ourselves from time to time that we are only passing throughthis life. It’s only a stop along the way. How do those who love the Lord appear? Those who truly love and follow Him do not live like others. They talk different. They think different. Their dreams are different. Their lifestyle is different. Their priorities are different. There, choice of where to live, what career to pursue, how to invest their time, who to marry, what kind of commitments to make, how to educate their children, and the view of suffering are all outside of the mainstream – really Foreigners and Non-Cultural – in all honesty their whole perspective is similar to that of a foreign culture. Jesus said concerning His disciples in “John 17:16” – “They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.” The children of God are no longer (should not be) at home in this world. They are looking for an eternal home with their Heavenly Father: “For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland…But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared for them a city.” – “Hebrews 11:14 & 16” What happened when we were brought into the Kingdom of God and were given new life? We were: – Given a new identity.Given a heavenly family.Given a heavenly home.Given a position of an heir to a heavenly inheritance.Given heavenly citizenship to a heavenly country and found a new Capital City. The Child of God rather than feeling as though they are missing out on this life, have joy and peace in their heart. They are living the reality of “Psalm 84:5” – “Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage.”
So, What’s Happening?

Ethiopia Friday 24th May – Monday 3rd June 2019

Bishop Hiruy Tsige
I was so delighted to have once again be in contact with my long term brother Hiruy. We were Bible School Students together at the IBTI (International Bible Training Institute). I am equally overjoyed to have received his invitation to visit Ethiopia and the spend a week ministering to Leaders and Fellow Belivers.
My hope is that there will be much fruit (which also remains) both in those finding Jesus as Saviour and the general Strengthening of Gods Church.
I will be discussing with Hiruy the possibility of a Evangelistic Crusade for 2022 and a Christian Literature Campaign whilst I’m there – So, pleasebe in prayer for me and also my good Brother Hiruy.
South of France Friday 28th June – Tuesday 9th July 2019
I am privilaged to have been requested to be the main speaker at a Family Camp being held in the South of France in the region of Sainte-Croix-de-Caderle (Gard). Its an honour but I’ve been asked to minister over 5days on the Scripture and Topic of – “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man againsthis father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” – ” “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man againsthis father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-lawagainst her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sakewill find it.” – “Matthew 10:34–39” -ESV

Burundi July 2020
Burundi has been close to my heart now for a number of years and my visits there have gained me some very close and dear friends. I’ve seen God save thousands of people through the power of the Gospel, Bodies have been Healed and the Demon Possessed Set Free – All glory to God and such thankfulness on my part for His gracious anointing of the Holy Spirit – “We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves” – “2 Corinthians 4:7” I had a vision birthed in my spirit some time ago and it perculated there for some time ever growing in strength. It was for a “Mass Evangelistic Crusade” in Gitega the Political Capital of Burundi.
The majority of my ministry has been within that region ministering in Evangelism and supporting Church Leaders from the FECABU organisation with Teaching.
In addition, I felt that a Literature Campaign of some sort, plus Radio and TV Evangelism was on Gods agenda for the region.
I had no idea how this would come about and for it to do so other Church Organisations would have to sense its rightness in their own hearts – afterall it is “Where brethren dwell together in unity that God commands His blessing” – “Psalm 133:1-3”
Wonderfully, this has now come to full strength, ready to be poured out and the crema of Gods Glory revealed to the senses.
In July 2020 a Mass Evangelistic Crusade is being held with the support of both the Assemblies of God and FECABU. The Assemblies of God (AOG) have approximatly 700 Churches and FECABU about 150 and thus they are the greates influence in the Country of Burundi with thriving Churches in the Gitaga Region which has over 2million people.
The Crusade will be undertaken by “On The Rock Crusades” which is part of WWCM but is directly the Evangelistic Crusades Arm of the overall ministry.

My sincere thanks goes to Rev Marc Ciza the Superintendant of the Gitega Region for FECABU and Archbishop Jérôme Ndayisaba of AOG plus Rev Sylvester Kaburi without which this vision could not have become a reality.
We had originally arranged for the Gitega Basketball Stadium to be used which would accomadate 10/11,000 People. However, the brethren in Gitega feel that it is too smal and now it is planned that the Army Commando Stadium which has a capacity of 40/50000.
The Crusade is being held over a Thursday – Saturday. In addition, Humuriza TV run by my friend Perry Saxe Gateka a Christian Radio/TV Station based in Gitega have very kindly offered to provide “Live Coverage” of the Crusade. He does great work when I was there last he did a TV Broadcast “off the cuff for me” which can be seen at – https://youtu.be/bTqyfS4tbsU. The Live Coverage would mean that if “everyone in the Region had a Radio and it was Turned On and Tuned in to the Crusade we could be reaching up to 2million people over those few days _ Crazy Grace at Work Ah!
During the days before Monday thru Wednesday a Childrens Crusade is being undertaken. This is a 1st for Gitega and also for my ministry outreach. Three great Women of God (Rosemary, Prudence and Maureen) are involved in this and our hope/prayer is that many Children will be – Saved, Filled with the Holy Spirit and commence their journey and pilgrimage with Jesus as a result.
At the same time as all the above is taking place “Street Evangelism” is going to take place with the Team Members who are not involved in other activities out and about with the Gospel, Speaking, Praying and with Gods help seeing folk won for Christ on the Streetys of Gitega.
A Team hopefully of 10 are coming with me – there are 6 already getting prepared and sensing the excitment rising these being – “Rosemary, Prudence, Maureen, Barry, Obi and Peter” from Tunbridge Wells Christian Fellowship and Tunbridge Wells Baptist Church. We are anticipating another 4 from Belgium after the Familiy Camp in the Southof France.
Their Team Uniforms look like this: –

Other trips are being planned and so if you would like to join this one or another then please go to the Web Site and complete the on-line application form at – www.worldwidechristianministries.org/missions/ or contact me direct.
Burundi Crusade Quarterly Prayer Meetings UK, Belgium & Burundi

What is absolutely essential is that all the preparations are bathed in prayer. With this in mind Quarterly Prayer Meetings are being held in various Countries with the Time Zones being co-ordinated.

Jean Paulos & Children
We are delighted that the Director for Youth for Christ in Burundi Jean Paulos has agreed to be the Burundian Prayer Co-ordinator and he is alsoon the Crusade Committee.
In Tunbridge Wells (AOG Church), Liege in Belgium and Gitega Burundi 1/2nights of Prayer are being held. These are taking place on: –
Friday May 31st 2019 Friday August 30th 2019 Friday November 29th 2019 Friday February 28th 2020 Friday May 29th 2020
If you cannot be there in person but want to support us in prayer then we will be so delighted – Nothing can be accomplished of any worth or on-going fruitfullness without it.
Please pray that: –
Souls will be Saved. The Lame Walk. The Blind See. The Deaf Hear. The Possessed Set Free. The Bound Released. The Barren Woman finds Fruitfullness. The Infertile Man becomes Fertile.
Other pointers for prayer are: –
That God will allow His Holy Spirit to give me the “Right Words, at the Right Time and in the Right Way” to accomplish His purposes. That Donations will come in from various sources to continue the funding of the Crusade in 2020 and the 2021/2022 in Ethiopia and Bangladesh that are in the planning. Rosemary & Prudence that they will know of Gods Leading – They have the most difficult task. That the enemy will be kept at bay and that his kingdom will be decimated. That the 5000 Decision Cards will all be utilised and those completing them will become disciples of Christ. That the Team as a whole will be unified and will experience Gods richest blessing and anointing. That me in my “Old Age” will remain (Fit & Well) for the 2020 / 2021/2 Mission Activities. That God will give His blessing as I am in Ethiopia whilst you are prayingand the week following.
I’m personally very excited about what will be happening and especiallyseeing God confirming His Word with Signs Following.
Formation of World-Wide Christian Ministries as a Charity
It is planned that by the middle / end of 2019 that World Wide Christian Ministries will be established as a Registered Charity. Plans are in place and Trustees have been found and other administrative tasks are in progress. Many are faithful in giving to the Mission activities and this will enable a Government Tax Supplement plus provide for any who wish it an enhanced transparency in respect to funding.
Appointment of a Support Executive in the UK I was approached before Christmas by a Brother Mr Richard Lawrence who has a heart for Mission and especially the work of WWCM (Worldwide Christian Ministries) who has requested that he might be theSupport Liaison for me and the Mission Activities and we are so glad to have him onboard and part of the team.
Web Site Updates I have uploaded a number of new Sermons, Meditations and Studies to the WebSite and I hope that they will Bless, Encourage and Inform.
They can be found by clicking of the following links: – Sermon – Are There Few That Be Saved – https://worldwidechristianministries.org/are-there-few-that-be-saved/ Study – Theology is the Study of God. Angelology – is the Study of Angels.- https://worldwidechristianministries.org/2326-2/ Study – Caleb a Man of a Different Spirit (Part 1 of 2) – https://worldwidechristianministries.org/caleb-a-man-of-a-different-spirit-part-1-of-2/ Study – Calen a Man of a Different Spirit (Part 2 of 2) – https://worldwidechristianministries.org/caleb-a-man-of-a-different-spirit-part-2-of-2/ Study – The Gifts of the Holy Spirit (The Oral Gifts) – https://worldwidechristianministries.org/the-baptism-in-the-holy-spirit-the-gifts-of-the-spirit/ Meditation – What is Our Mission His Kingdom Come – https://worldwidechristianministries.org/what-is-our-mission-his-kingdom-come/ Meditation – Listening and Hearing – https://worldwidechristianministries.org/listening-and-hearing/ Meditation – Gods Call Back 1st Love 101 (Part 1) – https://worldwidechristianministries.org/gods-call-back-1st-love-101/ Meditation – Moving In Triumph Carrying the Aroma of Christ – https://worldwidechristianministries.org/moving-in-triumph-carrying-the-aroma-of-christ/ Meditation – Are We as Leaders Fully Persuaded – https://worldwidechristianministries.org/are-we-preachers-leaders-fully-persuaded/https://worldwidechristianministries.org/are-we-preachers-leaders-fully-persuaded/
Please if you do go to any of these when the Insert Appears click it toSubscribe and you will be automatically updated with any new content.Funding Fruit
I make a point of tithing from your financial support to other Mission Activities. Your faithfulness to His call upon your finances to the work He has called me too has made possible the following: –
Youth Evangelist Trained – A young Lady in Belgium has been enabled to engage in and complete a College Course in Evangelism.
Pioneer Pastor – The support for 1yr of a Pastor (Married with Children) to serve the Lord with less anxiety.
The Building of a New Church Building housing up to 700people in Burundi.
All these activities have resulted in God’s Kingdom being extended and will continue to do so. In glory, I believe Jesus will pull back the curtain of time and reveal how much was achieved through your faithfulness in both praying and giving.
Financial Needs I recognise that there are constant demands on our finances and we have to be circumspect in the manner we invest that which God has so faithfully given to us.
I need at this point to confess something to you which I had to repent off.I was convicted by the Holy Spirit some months ago about my attitude and approach to requesting support for the WWCM Mission Activities. I felt that to ask people for support was tantramount to going “Cap In Hand” asit were to friends and fellow christians. It was a prideful thing however and the Lord pulled me up over it. He said and I paraphrase – “Will I not support you and continue to do so as you faithfully commit yourself to my call upon your life?” I of course had to reply “Yes of course Lord”. He then went on to say “Why then will you deny my people the opportunity of sharing in the investment of the monies I have given to them for the work I am doing through you? I had to answer with a string in my throat”Because I feel like I’m begging Lord”. To that He said to me “It is not for you to choose, it’s not begging to make known the needs for my kingdom to my people. I will as they hear place my finger of generosity upon their hearts and there will be fruitfulness for my Kingdom and in the midst of their generosity.”
What did this mean for me? Well! I have to tell you that its been a hard journey going 180degrees in my thinking and spirit. However, I’m willing to now be bold.
The needs that are before the mission activities of Worldwide Christian Ministries are as follows. As you consider them please keep in mind that a “Small Investment” made by us can result in a significantly higher “Return on that Investment” so much so that it may amaze us.
The needs that are before us in this newsletter are: –
WWCM Charity Formation Costs (Goal £1,200.00) Burundi July 2020 Crusade Stadium & Amplification Hire – £998.00 Burundi July 2020 Crusade (Publicity Literature) – £1,000.00 Burundi July 2020 Crusade (Convert Booklets) – 20=£10.00 – 40=£20.00 – 60=£30.00 – 100=£40.00 – 250=£75.00 – Translated into Kirundi – You can view these at https://issuu.com/mediaserve/docs/stl_english Burundi – TV/Radio Broadcasting – Radio Reaching approximately 2million people – Costs £373.00 per month. 4 Programs 30 min each, 1 perweek. (Means 2 programs per week, 8 programs per month).- The TV Broadcasts as they are produced are included in the £373.00 per month. Burundi – Decision Cards (5,000) We are believing for a minimum of 5,000 Conversions throughout the Crusade Burundi July 2020 Adult & Children’s Crusade (General Fund) Burundi July 2020 Crusade (Team Expenses)General Mission Activities Mission Trip to Ethiopia – £604.79 Mission Trip to South of France – £276.60 Crusade Draft Poster & Handouts and Booklet being given to those who are converts at the Crusade.
If you feel that you wish to “seed into this mission outreach” or any others, then please utilise any of the following methods: –
Make a Bank Transfer to the following account – Rev A Martin – Sort Code23/05/80 – Account Number 24028644 Cheque made out to Rev Albert M Martin – 28 Chipstead Close MaidstoneKent ME16 0DH England Use the Web Site Donations SectionThe donations will be (Confirmed with a letter of thanks).
10% of your giving will be utilised for Non WWCM Outreach Ministries Any excess over and above the designated sums will go into the WWCM General Mission Funds for future projects
Web Site
I’m so delighted by the many of you that have taken the time to look at my Website World Wide Christian Ministries I’m having really good feedback about the site and trust that will continue.In order to convey the message of the Gospel to as many as possible when you take a look at any of the YouTube Mission Videos on the web site please hit the “Subscribe Button” that will then enable the site to obtain a higher ranking and bring more people closer to hearing the Gospel and automatically inform you when another video has been uploaded to theWeb Site
Thank You for being a worker together with me – I may be the boots in the field but it is our combined mission activity. Any success I have is yours, any fruit I see is yours, any miracles manifested are yours and any demons cast out are only due to your support.One thing I am very conscious of is that I remain faithful to the calling He has given me.
Essentially, I’m an Evangelist but God has seen fit to merge that Ministry into several other aspects. However Preaching the Gospel is my foundational role.The Scripture says: – “Preach the Word; be prepared inseason and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage – with great patience and careful instruction” – “1 Timothy 4:2”
So please be in prayer for me that the Gospel will be preached with penetrating truth and accompanied by signs and wonders following.
I want to take the opportunity to thank those who have supported me financially. Your participation has made it possible to reach thousands with the Gospel and see thousands making a commitment to Jesus plus testimonies of Healing, Deliverance and Liberty.The time of “seed planting” has not closed and wonderfully the time of “harvesting” will not close until Jesus returns.
God Bless You and Thank You for your Fellowship, Friendship, Faithfulness and Funding and as you Serve Jesuswith me.
Rev Albert Martin World Wide Missions 28 Chipstead Close Maidstone Kent ME16 0DH United Kingdom
Mob:- +44 (0)7939100842 Website: – www.worldwidechristianministries.org Email: – revalbertmmartin@aol.com