Gods Gifts at Christmas Time – Part 2

Do we in like manner expect Jesus God’s Gift to the World to be wrapped up in glossy paper and to be presented in a larger-than-life way? If so, like the Children, the Shepherds, and the Wise Men, we will be most certainly disappointed. The Bible says in “Hebrews 2:9” – “But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honour because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone” and also in “Isaiah 53:2-3” we read of Him again and this is not the sort of Christmas present that most would expect, but it was the best the World ever had or will ever receive, for through it, comes Love, Joy, Peace, Healing and Success and all the other good areas of life that Men and Women are seeking for.

Gods Gifts at Christmas Time

Christmas time in many respects like the rest of the year, is a time when we are rushing about like “Mad Things” in a desperate hurry to get everything done. It’s surprising really as it’s a time that arrives with anticipated regularity every year. The World at this time of year is characterised by “Speed and Haste” so much so that many are pushed into metal and physical breakdowns and depression.

Kingdom People inc URDU

Understanding Our True Identity Text: – “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of […]

The Lord’s Prayer

Part 2 Scripture: – “Matthew 6:9–13” Introduction: – In our previous thoughts on this study of some of the phrases and statements of the Lord’s Prayer, we concentrated our thoughts on the background and introduction of it to us, by the Lord Jesus. We focused especially on the two words “Our Father”, and it’s right that […]

How Shall We Escape

Text: – “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?”  “Hebrews 2:3” Introduction: – Beside the many and varied answers that Gods Word the Bible gives to us, in regard to the “human condition” there are yet a multitude of questions that deserve, nay demand in light of the eternity that lies ahead […]

The Lord’s Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer Part 1 of 2 Scripture: – “Matthew 6:9-13” Introduction: – The Lord’s Prayer, which these verses in Matthews Gospel is so commonly called is perhaps the most well-known of all the prayers of the Word of God, and also perhaps due to this, the prayer that means the least,  not due to […]

When Life Gets You Bent Out Of Shape – URDU Translation

جب زندگی آپ کو ہر طرح کے متن سے ہٹا دیتی ہے: – “عورت ، تم اپنی کمزوری سے آزاد ہو گئے ہو۔” پھر اس نے اس پر ہاتھ رکھا اور فورا she ہی سیدھا ہوکر اس نے خدا کی تعریف کی۔ ” – “لوقا: 13: 10-13” صحیفہ: – “سبت کے دن یسوع ایک عبادت خانہ […]

Are You Bent Out Of Shape

You have a problem with alcohol, and you’re asked to “Stop drinking!” and you reply, “I can’t!”
You have a problem with pornography, and you’re asked to “Stop looking at pornography!” and you reply, “I can’t!”
You have a problem with drug abuse, and you’re asked to “Stop abusing drugs!” and you reply, “I can’t!”
You have a problem with bitterness of spirit, and you’re asked to “Stop being bitter!” you reply “I can’t!”
You have a problem with forgiveness, and you’re asked to “Forgive that person that hurt you!” and you reply, “I can’t!”

یسوع خدا کا بیٹا – یسوع مسیح کا کردار

JESUS THE SON OF GOD – THE CHARACTER OF JESUS CHRIST – URDU TRANSLATION کیا یسوع مسیح ایک لیجنڈ ، مجنوں ، جھوٹا ، یا خداوند اور خدا ہے ؟ تعارف:- ہم نے اپنے پچھلے مطالعہ میں غور کیا ہے ، وہ پہل جو خدا نے اپنے آپ کو انسانوں کے پاس ظاہر کیا ، […]