Considering Your Days.
A Challenge for Christians and a Warning for All.
“Our time on earth is brief, the number of our days is already decided by you.” Job 14:5, The Message.
The Bible reminds us that our lives are not ours to control. Every moment is measured by God, and each breath we take is sustained by His power. As Job said, “He’s got the whole world in his hands, the breath of every living soul.” Job 12:10, The Message).
These words are not just poetry; they are reality. They call us to recognise the fragility of life and to live with purpose and intention, not presumption.
The Fragility of Life.
Job, a man who knew suffering deeply, reflected on the fleeting nature of human existence. He lamented, “Human life is a struggle, isn’t it? It’s a life sentence to hard labour… My days come and go swifter than the click of knitting needles, and then the yarn runs out – an unfinished life.” Job 7:1, 6, The Message).
Picture this:

Life as a tapestry woven by a master craftsman. The threads represent your days, and each moment contributes to the overall design. But unlike a weaver who can keep adding yarn, your life’s spool is finite. Once the thread runs out, the work stops, whether complete or not.
For the Christian, this should inspire a sense of urgency to live for what truly matters. For the non-Christian, it serves as a warning: you do not have infinite time to make your decision about Christ.
A Call to Christians.
Christian, reflect on the gravity of Job’s words. Your life, like everyone else’s, is fleeting. But as someone redeemed by Christ, you are called to use your time wisely. Ephesians 5:16 – The Message – urges us to “make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times!”
Here’s an illustration:

Imagine your life as a sand timer. Each grain of sand represents a moment of your life, steadily falling to the bottom. You cannot turn the timer over.
Are you using those moments to build God’s kingdom, or are they slipping away on distractions and trivial pursuits?
Are your priorities shaped by eternity or by temporary pleasures?
Do your actions reflect faithfulness to God’s calling on your life?
Are you sharing the good news of Christ with urgency, knowing that time is short?
A Warning to Non-Christians.
To those who haven’t yet made Jesus their Saviour and Lord, Job’s words are a wake-up call. Life is not random; it is determined by God. “Our time on earth is brief.” – Job 14:5, The Message. This is not meant to frighten you but to shake you out of complacency.

You’re on a train hurtling towards a cliff. The conductor warns you to pull the brake, but you hesitate, assuming there’s more time. Suddenly, the edge is upon you, and it’s too late.
Life without Christ is like that. God is offering you the brake – the opportunity to choose Him. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
The Bible says, “If you decide that it’s a bad thing to worship God, then choose a god you’d rather serve—and do it today.” – Joshua 24:15, The Message. God gives you the choice, but the choice is urgent.
A Time for Decision.
Jesus Christ is not only the sustainer of life but also the redeemer of souls. Hebrews 1:3 – The Message tells us that He “holds everything together by what He says—powerful words!” Every breath you take is upheld by Him. When He decides to withdraw that sustaining power, your time is up. There are no second chances beyond this life.
This truth demands a response. Christians live in the light of eternity. Non-Christians consider the invitation of Jesus: “Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest.” – Matthew 11:28, The Message.
Life is fleeting, but it is also precious. Each moment is a gift, an opportunity to turn to God, to serve Him, and to glorify Him. Whether you are a believer or not, the question is still – how will you spend the days you’ve been given?
Jesus is calling you to Himself. The time to decide is now. Will you choose Him?