Life’s journey may be unpredictable, and our “ducks” may never be in a perfect row. However, through faith and a positive outlook, we can navigate the twists and turns with courage, grace, and gratitude. Remember, the path of life is not about the destination; it’s about the growth and transformation we experience along the way. So, let go of the need for control, embrace the unexpected, and find joy in every moment, knowing that God’s plan for you is far greater than anything you could ever imagine. Cheers to an adventurous and fulfilling life!
Author: Albert Martin
Les promesses de Dieu dévoilées
Les promesses de Dieu contenues dans la Bible ne sont pas de simples concepts abstraits. Ce sont des réalités puissantes qui transforment la vie et qui peuvent être appliquées à nos vies grâce à la compréhension de la vérité doctrinale. En alignant nos vies sur la Parole de Dieu, nous découvrons les profondeurs de son amour, de sa sagesse, de son réconfort, de ses provisions et de son pouvoir de transformation. Tenons fermement ces promesses, car elles sont le fondement sur lequel repose notre foi et elles éclairent le chemin d’une relation vibrante et épanouissante avec notre Créateur.
As promessas de Deus reveladas
As promessas de Deus encontradas na Bíblia não são apenas conceitos abstratos. Elas são realidades poderosas e transformadoras que podem ser aplicadas em nossa vida por meio da compreensão da verdade doutrinária. Ao alinharmos nossas vidas com a Palavra de Deus, descobrimos as profundezas de Seu amor, sabedoria, conforto, provisão e poder transformador. Vamos nos apegar a essas promessas, pois elas são o alicerce sobre o qual repousa nossa fé e iluminam o caminho para um relacionamento vibrante e satisfatório com nosso Criador.
God’s Promises Unveiled
The promises of God found in the Bible are not merely abstract concepts. They are powerful and life-transforming realities that can be applied to our lives through an understanding of doctrinal truth. By aligning our lives with God’s Word, we discover the depths of His love, wisdom, comfort, provision, and transformative power. Let us hold fast to these promises, for they are the foundation upon which our faith rests, and they illuminate the path to a vibrant and fulfilling relationship with our Creator.
Time, Heart & Behaviour – Temps, cœur et comportement
Embrasser la Divine Providence La tapisserie du temps, du cœur, de la conduite et de la puissance de l’Évangile “Le temps détermine les personnes que vous rencontrez. Le cœur détermine les personnes que vous recherchez. Votre conduite détermine ceux qui sont avec vous”. – Ziad K. Abdelnour Introduction : Je suis tombé sur la citation […]
Anglais et français
Time, Heart and Behaviour – Le temps, le cœur et le comportement Embracing Divine Providence The Tapestry of Time, Heart, Conduct, and the Power of the Gospel “Time determines the people you meet. The heart determines the people you seek. Your conduct determines those who are with you.” – “Ziad K. Abdelnour” Introduction: I came […]
Time, Heart and Behaviour
n the intricate tapestry of our lives, every thread, every encounter, is meticulously woven by the hand of our sovereign God. As children of God, we are called to recognise that nothing happens by chance in our lives. Instead, our encounters, guided by the interplay of time, heart, and conduct, are divinely orchestrated for our instruction and the proclamation of the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation (that’s divine providence at work.)
Time Heart & Behaviour – Tempo Coração e comportamento
Abraçando a Divina Providência A tapeçaria do tempo, do coração, da conduta e do poder do evangelho “O tempo determina as pessoas que o senhor encontra. O coração determina as pessoas que o senhor procura. Sua conduta determina aqueles que estão com o senhor.” – “Ziad K. Abdelnour” Introdução: Deparei-me com a citação de Ziab. […]
The 10 Most Sought-After Answers to the Question of Sanctification – English, Portuguese and French
Hey there, fellow believers! Today, we’re diving into a topic that holds immense significance in the life of a Christian: sanctification. Now, I must warn you right off the bat that this subject is no walk in the park. It’s like an intricate tapestry woven with threads of theology, spirituality, and personal transformation. But fear not, for in this brief introduction, we’ll scratch the surface of what sanctification is all about.
God’s Unconditional Love for the World – Christ’s Death and the Chosen Ones.
The Bible repeatedly affirms that God’s love extends to the entire world. In “John 3:16” we read, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This verse exemplifies the breadth and depth of God’s love, emphasising that it encompasses the entire world, without limitations or exclusions. The love of God is seen as an expression of his divine nature, a love that desires the salvation and reconciliation of all humanity.