Hey there, my fellow traveller on this incredible journey we call life! I wanted to take a moment to share something deeply personal and profound with you, something that has shaped my entire existence and continues to guide me every single day. It’s a story of transformation, grace, and the unwavering love of the God who stays.
Author: Albert Martin
Discovering yourself – Lessons from American Idol.
I’m over the moon to set sail on a journey that not only sets your heart ablaze with faith but dives headfirst into the mind-boggling notion of discovering our authentic selves in the arms of Christ. Our tale today takes us back to a fateful day on June 11, 2002, when the legendary singing showdown, American Idol, made its grand entrance.
God Is In Your Story
As you race through the chapters of your life, remember that it’s an electrifying story of redemption, healing, and love that defies all odds. God is not just a bystander; He’s the director, the producer, and the leading star of your epic saga. Get ready to be thrilled by these words, knowing your story isn’t over, and the Author of life is still crafting your astonishing tale of grace, hope, and redemption! It’s a blockbuster in the making, and you’re the hero!
Discipleship’s Cost in a Consumer-Driven World
While the assurance of eternal salvation remains a firm promise, due to the grace gift of “persevering faith” the road of discipleship frequently travels through valleys of affliction. The work of sanctification provisioned by the Holy Spirit, like a master craftsman, carries out a chiselling and moulding of us, refining our faith through trials, tribulations, and even chaos.
Gratitude Galore: Celebrating 20K Views with WWCM
I want you to know that this immense gratitude I feel is not just words on a screen; it’s a profound emotion that fills my heart. Your loyalty, your engagement, and your unwavering belief in our mission have brought us to this remarkable point, and I can’t wait to see where we go next.
As we move forward together, let’s cherish the past, celebrate the present, and eagerly anticipate the future. Our journey is a testament to the incredible things we can achieve when we stand united in faith and purpose.
Where Is God
“Où est Dieu ? “Trouver la place de Dieu et trouver l’équilibre entre le quotidien et le sacré“ Dans la précipitation de notre vie quotidienne, il est facile de perdre de vue le spirituel au milieu du matériel. Prenons l’exemple d’un homme qui avait acquis une statue du Christ et l’avait placée sur son bureau, […]
Where Is God
“Onde está Deus” “Encontrar o lugar de Deus e equilibrar o mundano e o sagrado” Na correria do nosso quotidiano, é fácil perder de vista o espiritual no meio do material. Considere a história de um homem que adquiriu uma estátua de Cristo e inicialmente colocou-a na sua secretária, um símbolo visível da sua fé […]
Where Is God
In the rush of our daily lives, it’s easy to lose sight of the spiritual amidst the material. Consider the tale of a man who acquired a statue of Christ and initially placed it on his desk, a visible symbol of his religious faith. However, in a matter of days, his Wife moved the statue to the living room, then it migrated to the dining room, prompting a curious child to ask, “Where are you going to put God today?”
Florescendo como girassóis Seguindo a luz do Filho no caminho do crescimento espiritual.
Florescendo como girassóis Seguindo a luz do Filho no caminho do crescimento espiritual. Introdução: Os girassóis sempre tiveram um lugar especial no meu coração, por alguma razão, e não sei bem qual é. Quando os vejo erguidos nos campos e ao longo das estradas, com suas faces vivas voltadas para a luz, nunca deixo de […]
S’épanouir comme des tournesols Suivre la lumière du Fils sur le chemin de la croissance spirituelle.
S’épanouir comme des tournesols Suivre la lumière du Fils sur le chemin de la croissance spirituelle. Introduction : Les tournesols ont toujours eu une place spéciale dans mon cœur pour une raison que j’ignore. Lorsque je les vois se dresser dans les champs et le long des routes, avec leurs visages vifs tournés vers la […]