Newsletter No 3 – August 2017
“First, I thank my God through Jesus the Anointed for all of you because family, and your faith is spreading across the world. For I call God as my witness – whom I worship in my spirit and serve in making known the gospel – He alone knows how often I mention you in my prayers. I find myself constantly praying for you and hoping it’s in God’s will for me to be with you soon. I desperately want to see you so that I can share some gift of the Spirit to strengthen you. Plus, I know that when we come together something beautiful will happen as we are encouraged by each other’s faith.” – “Romans 8: 1 to 11” – The Voice
My Dear Friends and Co-Workers in Christ,
This is the 3rd Newsletter I have sent and I hope that it will be of interest to you. Organisations in our day and age have what is defined as a “Tag Line” – What is a “Tag Line” you might say well it is defined as: – “A Strapline, Slogan, or brand lines” they can be inspirational, like a product philosophy, or they can be something fun and memorable. While some can impel you to be better, do more, or go further, others are simply a fun play on words.”
Some memorable ones are: –
- AH! BISTO – Bisto Gravy Granules, 1919
The “Tag Line” for World Wide Christian Ministries is: – “A global, bible-based resource for equipping and empowering Christians“.
It came about through the competition in Newsletter 2 and was coined by Peter Barnard who lives in the UK. So, a big thank you to Peter and I hope you continue to enjoy the inspiration, challenge and blessing that the book is given to bring.
“A global, bible-based resource for equipping and empowering Christians” really is the ethos of this work. This is the whole vision of the work and it is at its very foundation.
As I approach my next – Mission Trip – to Burundi between Friday 18th August thru Sunday 27th August 2017 – I ask for your on-going prayer support.
Recently I was challenged in my spirit over “How Big is my God”. It came from Natalie Grant the song was “King of the World”. What challenged me the most were the words: –
- I tried to fit you in the walls of my mind
- I try to keep you safely in between the lines
- I try to put you in the box that I’ve designed
- I try to pull you down so we are eye to eye
What do I ask you to pray for?
- That there will be an “Open Door” to the proclamation of the Gospel.
- That Hearts and Minds will be receptive to the call to Salvation.
- That God would as Scripture declares: Allow Signs & Wonders to follow the preaching of His Word.
- That the Leaders being ministrered too will be “Refreshed, Encouraged and Revitalised” in the calling and work God has given them to do.
- That I might “Know the mind of the Spirit” and equally so “Recognise and follow His leading”.
I do not want to fail to pursue a “big vision”. I don’t want to invest in small visions and I know that you don’t either. Usually, people don’t invest their – “time, money or efforts into organisations” that don’t have any vision.
People invest in a “big vision” especially when that vision is focused on helping people experience a transformed life in Jesus Christ. I want to maintain and see increased that big vision.
I invite you to join me in prayer to see that vision become reality
When I was in Gitega in 2014 the Church was “Packed to Overflowing” with many having to stand outside. Since that time it has “more than doubled in size” and thus the Church which was a single story structure has now an extra story above – but there is as yet no roof.
I am asking in this prayer letter that you might seek the Lord and to enquire of Him if you are to partner in providing a roof for the new building before the rainy season times arrive.
If you feel that you wish to “seed into this project” then please utilise any of the following methods: –
- Go to www.worldwidechristianministries.org/donate/ and utilise the “what ministry is your donation for section” where you will find you can donate via PayPal. (Just hit the link and it will take you to the web site.)
- Cheque made out to Rev Albert M Martin – 28 Chipstead Close Maidstone Kent ME16 0DH England
- Make a Bank Transfer to the following account – Rev A Martin – Sort Code 23/05/80 – Account Number 24028644
The donations will be (Confirmed with a letter of thanks) and the monies converted to $’s and given to the Church on the Sunday Morning Service.
It’s an interesting fact that many of the things we say start with the word – Some. If we want a situation where nothing meaningful gets done, then we just start out speaking and thinking with “some” a lot.
Examples: – Of some uses of “some” words?
- Somebody
- Someday
- Sometime
- Something
These words end up sounding like this: – “Somebody should do Something about that Sometime Someday.” These are guaranteed to lead to zero action.
I praise God that you are not a Somebody, Someday, Sometime, Something person but an – “All In go getter, a Make it happen and He who dares wins” – to me you are a “Warrior not a Watcher” person and I thank God for giving to me such a one in my journey of service to our Saviour.
God Bless You All and I will update you with everything that happens in Gitega.
Your Partner in His Harvest Field
Rev Albert Martin
World Wide Missions
28 Chipstead Close
ME16 0DH
United Kingdom
Mob:- +44 (0)7939 100842
Website: – www.worldwidechristianministries.org
Email: – revalbertmmartin@aol.com