Newsletter No 4 – October 2017
“First, I thank my God through Jesus the Anointed for all of you because family, and your faith is spreading across the world. For I call God as my witness – whom I worship in my spirit and serve in making known the gospel – He alone knows how often I mention you in my prayers. I find myself constantly praying for you and hoping it’s in God’s will for me to be with you soon. I desperately want to see you so that I can share some gift of the Spirit to strengthen you. Plus, I know that when we come together something beautiful will happen as we are encouraged by each other’s faith.” – “Romans 8: 1 to 11” – The Voice
My Dear Friends and Co-Workers in Christ,
This is the 4th Newsletter I have sent, and I hope that it will be of interest to you. In this newsletter I have some very encouraging news in respect of the latest mission to Burundi.
As I approach my next – Mission Trip – to Argentina between Wednesday 15th November through Thursday 28th November 2017 – I ask for your on-going prayer support.
The challenge to us all as Gods Children is “How Big is my God”.
- We can try to fit Him in the walls of my mind – We will fail!
- We can try to keep Him safely in between the lines of our lives – Why would we!
- We can try to contain Him in the boxes we have designed – Why would we be so foolhardy!
- We can try to try to pull Him down so we are eye to eye – What would be the point!
In light of all that I want to say a great big Tank You to everybody who got behind the latest trip to Burundi and both “Prayed and Gave Financially” to its support.
We share a “Big Vision” together and God never disappoints us as we obey the nudge of the Holy Spirit and we desire to “serve and glorify” Him.
You will recall from my Newsletter No 3 that the local Church in Gitega Burundi had grown very significantly and was “Packed to Overflowing” with many having to stand outside. The congregation had grown to more than double the size and as a result they needed to expand the Church facilities. The main problem they had was the “Lack of a Roof” as the photos portrayed. Well! God has been ever faithful and now the roof is “On and Secure” – So for those who supported this project in both prayer and finance a “Thank You So Much” and the Church has asked me to give you their sincerest thanks.
Burundi in East Africa – Friday 18th Aug thru Sunday 27th Aug 2017
My time there was very busy but at the same time both rewarding and enriching.
A Pastor / Leaders Conference went very well and was held over 3 consecutive days with two sessions per day (Tuesday thru Thursday). The overall theme being “Standing Firm in the Ministry.”
The theme was out worked with the following topics: –
1) Ministry is Relational – Ministry is Relational
2) Ministry is Surrender – Ministry is Surrender
3) Ministry and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit – Ministry & the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
4) Ministry is Vision and Destiny – Ministry is Vision & Destiny
5) Ministry and the Shepherds Giants – Ministry & the Shepherds Giants
All of the above can be viewed by clicking the link which will take you to my channel on YouTube – Albert M Martin
Two (Revival Meetings) were conducted with approximately 900 people in attendance and others congregating outside. In addition, there were meetings held in the Local Church.
The Revival Meetings saw God moving by His Holy Spirit – Soul were Saved, Bodies Healed – 2 significant healings were testified of these being a Lady who had very poor eyesight receiving perfect vision and another Young Lady suffering from a partial paralysis to her legs being completely healed.
Praise God who follows His Word with signs following. Truly the Gospel is the Expression of Gods Power at work.
The 2 Revival Meetings plus the 2 Sunday Meetings can be found by clicking the following links: –
- Revival Meeting No 1: – Only Believe Message – “Only Believe” – “Luke 13: 10-17”
- Revival Meeting No 2: – Jesus is more than… – Message: – “Jesus is More Than……” – “Matthew 9:28” – “Do You Believe That I Can Do This?”
- Sunday Meeting No: – 1 – The Blunders and Healing of Naaman – Message: -The Blunders and Healing of Naaman “2 Kings 5:1-19”
- Sunday Meeting No:2 – Who Are The People of God – Message: – Who Are the People of God? They Are – Can Do & Can Be People
The Leaders are urging me to return again and I am seeking for Gods leading in that matter (so please join with me in that).
If you feel that you wish to “seed into this mission outreach” or any others, then please utilise any of the following methods: –
- Go to www.worldwidechristianministries.org/donate/ and utilise the “what ministry is your donation for section” where you will find you can donate via PayPal. (Just hit the link and it will take you to the web site.)
- Cheque made out to Rev Albert M Martin – 28 Chipstead Close Maidstone Kent ME16 0DH England
- Make a Bank Transfer to the following account – Rev A Martin – Sort Code 23/05/80 – Account Number 24028644
The donations will be (Confirmed with a letter of thanks).
Burundi Trip Special Highlight
On the return leg from Burundi to Nairobi the plan was delayed, and I had the great joy of meeting a young man named – Humberto Mbebe from Mozambique.
Eventually, when we arrived (late) at Paris we both missed our on-going flight to Heathrow. Humberto was going to London to finish his studies in a Business Degree.
We spent some time talking together in the airport and eventually sat down in Pret a Manger to have a coffee together. In my spirit I felt that this meeting was (God Ordained) and Humberto & I started to talk about “Destiny” and of course I recognised that God had made this a God Ordained Meeting of Destiny for us.
Well, we spoke I shared my testimony of how Jesus changed my life and Humberto felt the call of Gods Holy Spirit to surrender his heart and life to the Saviour Jesus and we wonderfully prayed together in the Coffee Bar where he found Jesus as his Saviour.
Please pray for Humbert as he discovers more of God’s grace available to him and as his progresses in his walk with Jesus and that he will soon find a local Church.
Buenos Aires – Argentina
Wednesday 15th Nov through Tuesday 28th Nov17
There is a very busy time planned with at least 10 preaching engagements and other types of ministry alongside these. There will be more news to follow on this as I am updated in regard to my schedule.
The ministry will be a mixture of – “Evangelism, Teaching and generally Encouraging.”
Time is Ticking
Please continue to uphold me in your support for this trip – I’m told it will be a mixture of (Teaching, Evangelistic Preaching and Ministering to the Local Churches in Buenos Aires.
Web Site
I have included some further meditations which I hope will be a blessing to you and more Meditations plus Messages / Bible Studies will follow in the next couple of weeks – So as the old television advert said, “Keep Your Eyes Peeled”.

Rev Albert Martin
World Wide Missions
28 Chipstead Close
ME16 0DH
United Kingdom
Mob:- +44 (0)7939 100842
Website: – www.worldwidechristianministries.org
Email: – revalbertmmartin@aol.com