It Is Finished

Introduction: It is hoped that this article destined to be a meditation will bless you. It is provided in – English, French, Portuguese, and Arabic. Introduction : Nous espérons que cet article destiné à être une méditation vous bénira. Il est disponible en anglais, français, portugais et arabe. Introdução: Esperamos que este artigo, destinado a […]

“Walking the Tightrope – Balancing God’s Sovereignty with Our Faith Journey”

“Walking the Tightrope – Balancing God’s Sovereignty with Our Faith Journey” Although there are numerous individuals who would dispute the following veracity, that does not compromise its veracity: The sovereign hand of God guides each intricately woven thread in the vast tapestry of existence, including all of our “individual journeys of faith.” His paramount authority […]

“Walking the Tightrope – Balancing God’s Sovereignty with Our Faith Journey”

English & French – Anglais et français “Walking the Tightrope – Balancing God’s Sovereignty with Our Faith Journey” “Marcher sur la corde raide – Trouver l’équilibre entre la souveraineté de Dieu et notre cheminement de foi Although there are numerous individuals who would dispute the following veracity, that does not compromise its veracity: The sovereign […]

“Andando na corda bamba – equilibrando a soberania de Deus com nossa jornada de fé”

“Andando na corda bamba – equilibrando a soberania de Deus com nossa jornada de fé” Embora existam numerosos indivíduos que contestariam a seguinte veracidade, isso não compromete a sua veracidade: A mão soberana de Deus guia cada fio intrincadamente tecido na vasta tapeçaria da existência, incluindo todas as nossas “jornadas individuais de fé”. A sua […]

Trust and Surrender in Discipleship.

Trust and Surrender in Discipleship. In the quietness of Calvary and the Cross, amidst the echoes of suffering and redemption, we learn a valuable lesson about trust and discipleship. Christ’s Example of Trust. In his ultimate gesture of submission, Jesus said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” – Luke 23:46. It was a […]

🌟 Exciting News! 🌟

Dear friends and followers, I’m thrilled to share that I’ve released over the past few days a series of uplifting videos on Peace, Joy, Love, and Hope, along with a heartfelt rendition of “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” in both English and French! 🎶✨ As we embrace the holiday season, let’s find inspiration in these […]

Tranquil Transformation : Dévoiler une paix durable par la prière, la gentillesse et les promesses de Dieu

“Tranquil Transformation : Dévoiler une paix durable par la prière, la gentillesse et les promesses de Dieu”. S’éveillant à l’aube aujourd’hui avec un sentiment exaltant de gratitude, mon esprit débordait de joie en célébrant la grâce incommensurable de Dieu, sa miséricorde inébranlable et son pardon illimité. C’est encore le cas au moment où mon traitement […]

“Tranquil Transformation: Unveiling Lasting Peace through Prayer, Kindness, and God’s Promises”

“Tranquil Transformation: Unveiling Lasting Peace through Prayer, Kindness, and God’s Promises” Awakening to the dawn today with an exhilarating sense of gratitude, my spirit was overflowing with joy in celebration of God’s immeasurable Grace, unwavering Mercy, and boundless Forgiveness. It still is even as my word processor writes these words. In a world filled with […]

“Transformação Tranquila: Desvendando a Paz Duradoura através da Oração, da Bondade e das Promessas de Deus”

“Transformação Tranquila: Desvendando a Paz Duradoura através da Oração, da Bondade e das Promessas de Deus” Ao despertar para o amanhecer de hoje com um estimulante sentimento de gratidão, o meu espírito transbordou de alegria ao celebrar a Graça incomensurável de Deus, a Misericórdia inabalável e o Perdão sem limites. Ainda está assim, enquanto o […]