The Amazing Choice to Follow Jesus

So here we are, standing at a crossroads. Let’s embrace the truth that Jesus is totally worth it. Let’s ditch the cosy but empty stuff and choose the path that leads to things that matter forever. Just like Abraham and Paul made the bold choice to trust God and find amazing things, let’s choose to live a life where Jesus is worth every step, every sacrifice, and every beat of our hearts.

From Burial to Planting.

The pilgrimage of a Christian is marked by both profound surrender and glorious rebirth. As we embark on this journey, we encounter the shadowy depths of our souls – our fears, insecurities, and worldly desires. This process mirrors the burial of a seed beneath the earth, hidden from sight. Yet, it’s in this sacred provision of darkness that we begin to understand the essence of our faith. Just as Christ was buried in the tomb, only to triumphantly rise, so too are we called to relinquish our old selves, allowing God’s grace to cultivate new life within.

Embracing Life’s Unpredictable Journey: Finding Joy in the Midst of Chaos

Life’s journey may be unpredictable, and our “ducks” may never be in a perfect row. However, through faith and a positive outlook, we can navigate the twists and turns with courage, grace, and gratitude. Remember, the path of life is not about the destination; it’s about the growth and transformation we experience along the way. So, let go of the need for control, embrace the unexpected, and find joy in every moment, knowing that God’s plan for you is far greater than anything you could ever imagine. Cheers to an adventurous and fulfilling life!


The early Christians, with unwavering conviction, stood strong, steadfast in their refusal to acknowledge Caesar as their “Lord.” They clung to the eternal truth, for within their hearts burned the knowledge that there exists but one God, one Supreme Ruler – Jesus Christ, the true Lord. Alas, their unwavering faith led them down a perilous road, where persecution loomed like a relentless tempest, threatening to extinguish their flickering flames of devotion.

Is it truly worth it to follow Jesus?

In this meditation, we’ll discuss how we can choose to place more value on Jesus than anything else. We’ll explore the ways in which He created us, saved us, and called us to something far greater than what this world can provide. By recognising our potential to let go of our desires, ambitions, goals, and plans, we can experience the rewards that come with putting Christ first. Join us as we delve into why His person and plan offer far greater benefits than any risk we may face.

The Untold Story of a Shroud: Secrets of Grave Clothes Unveiled.

As we were carefully removed from Lazarus’ body, we were no longer the garments of death, but the garments of new life. We were a reminder that even in the face of death, there is hope, there is new life, there is the promise of eternal grace.

May we always remember the story of Lazarus, and the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who brings life from death, and who clothes us in his love and grace.

The Dance of Death: A Field of Dry Bones Tells Its Story

In death, the stories of the departed often fade away with the memories of those who knew them. But what if the inanimate objects that witnessed their passing could tell their tales? Imagine the secrets and mysteries they could unravel. In this four-part series, we will explore the perspectives of four such objects: a set of bones, a field of dry bones, a burial shroud and a massive stone.