GOD HEARS & RESPONDS. English – Portuguese – French – Urdu Depending on your age range, a “telegram” may be completely foreign to your lexicon of everyday communication. The “Digital Age” we’re currently in allows for nearly immediate, worldwide communication. To what extent does it benefit or hinder one’s life? Well! That’s something you’ll have […]

Created with Purpose

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” – “Ephesians 2:10” You and I are here because God had a plan when He created us. This means that God planned and orchestrated every aspect of our character, from […]

Do You Ask The Question?

In my “secular employment utilised to underpin the ministry activities of Worldwide Christian Ministries,” I meet with potential enquirers many of which are moved from being enquirers to customers. Why is that? It’s simply because they are asked – “Do you want to go ahead?

Let’s Play Tag Together – Your’e It

Do we understand the times in which we are living? Do we recognise the plight of both the Church and the Lost? Are we prepared to seize the moment by any and all means to bring across the gospel in a fresh and meaningful way, without watering it down to be accepted,and still keep its powerful and impactful to a lost generation of both saved and un-saved alike? Or! And it’s with such sadness I say this – “Will we be at ease in Zion?” will there be a “Little folding of the hands to rest” will we “continue to lie there?” will we “get up from our sleep?” if we do we can expect only poverty of spirit because the enemy “will come upon us like a robber” and we will find ourselves in need because a bandit will have stolen away the richness that God has for us.

Prayer for Ukraine

These days are worrying to state an understatement for the whole of the Ukraine and at Worldwide Christian Ministries (WWCM) our heart goes out to the populous of Ukraine at this time and we pray that this may be a time when “Self-Reliance and Self Confidence and Self Promotion” will be looked at afresh with a recognition that “Without God we are without hope in this World” – “Ephesians 2:12b.” and that “My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth” – “Psalm 121:2.”

The Love Of God

The whole of the world at this particular time of History and possibly  more than at any other time is taken up with the theme of Love, nearly all the song which are sung, poems that are written, and films which are produced, depict, speak or ring with this theme, and yet with all this, it is clearly apparent that men and woman are not taking a grasp of what real love is. In so many places and in the experience of so many they are finding fanciful ideas that meet in a partial manner the needs of the flesh, and are stimulating and invigorating, but are missing the mark of what real love is.

The Power of the Gospel

It would be true to state that even the most zealous and enthusiastic soon discover that there is “just something missing,” which leaves them with an awareness of a void and feeling of emptiness. The reason why these very legitimate and natural things do this is that they are not getting to the real core of the problem, nor meeting the real area of need. They are dealing only with the symptoms not the disease.

The Bible gives to us the real answer to the problem, and it declares that in our standing and position before a holy creator God we are “Cut off by our sins, and without God we are without hope in this world.” It really does not matter how much enthusiasm or effort we put in to the everyday activities of life if we do not meet with the central need, of getting right with God, we will continue from day to day, until we reach the grave to live in abject failure and continue with a sense of emptiness, again the Bible tells us “Hope deferred makes the Heart Sick” and in another place “God has set an awareness of eternity into every human heart.”

An old Hymn writer once put it this way “I tried the broken cisterns Lord, but ah the waters failed, and even as I stooped to drink, they mocked me as I wailed.” There are countless millions of people who have discovered and are continuing to discover the reality and truth of this in their lives.