Life Is Full of Uncertainties

Life can often be unpredictable, and we may find ourselves facing challenges and uncertainties that shake our faith and make us feel lost. However, as believers, we have a source of strength and hope that is unchanging and reliable. God’s promises are steadfast and true, and we can always trust in His love, grace, and mercy.

The Resurrection of Lazarus

The Resurrection of Lazarus.
The story of Lazarus has a fundamental impact upon all who declare that they are of the Christian faith. In this short message we look at it once again and in doing so I trust it will bless, encourage and spur us on.
It is presented in: English, Portuguese, French, Turkish, Ukrainian and Chinese.

Safe in Christ

Today, I’m addressing my thoughts and deliberations with a sense of inspiration towards those that the songwriter says “ Have dreams that have fallen apart” to those who have “tired and broken hearts” to those who when you look into their eyes think that “they are on their own” and what I want to say to you, and to do so with all sincerity and enthusiasm that – “You are not on your own.”

What it Means to Walk Empowered By Christ!

The Bible provides the foundation for the idea of the freedom that comes through Christ. The only way to obtain freedom – real freedom – a freedom which is enjoined to liberty – is to become familiar with and embrace Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour. When we make Him the centre of our lives, we are liberated from the shackles of sin and the sentence of death. As children of God, we are granted a new identity, and we are commanded to walk in the freedom that Christ gives us, and we are empowered to do so.

Freedom In Christ

Wow, have you ever had a moment when something so exciting and powerful kept running through your mind that you just had to share it with the world? That’s what happened to me at 4:30 am when I woke up with “Galatians 5:1” which declares “It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.” New American Standard Bible – racing through my mind like a marathon run!I knew that I had to share this message with everyone because it’s just too important to keep to myself,  it’s too powerful to ignore.

The Altar of Relativism

Our Vision & Aspiration – To Reach the World for Christ

The temptation today is to be ambiguous in areas where God has been explicit. To conceal vital information out of fear of offending other people. If we believe the truth of the Gospel, we are not to be offensive but it in itself the message of the Gospel will always offend and it is designated as such.

Life Changes and Life Commencements (being Born Again) will only take place by the Spirit of God within us. The truth of God’s Word ignites to life those around us (the pagans) who are “dead in trespasses and sin”. Only the truth has the power to transform lives.

Legacies never get built on intentions. They’re built on action. Let’s be “Workers together with God”

ABEL – Uma manifestação de fé.

As pessoas usam a frase “basta ter fé, tudo vai dar certo” para encorajar e consolar
aqueles que enfrentam grandes desafios ou situações estressantes. Além disso,
quando se aspira a qualquer forma de atividade evangelística, a fé é uma
característica essencial de seu trabalho. Ela também é utilizada no que diz respeito à
fidelidade. Mas o que é a fé segundo a Bíblia, e ela funciona?
No Novo Testamento, a fé é traduzida para o inglês pela palavra grega Pistis (πίστις,
εως, ἡ. ) Segundo o Dicionário Expandido de Palavras Bíblicas do New Strong, “Pistis é
empregado de crença com o sentido predominante de confiança (ou confiança) em
Deus ou Cristo, proveniente da fé no mesmo. “‘Fé’ é sinônimo de confiança,
confiança, segurança e crença” (p. 1315)