“Transformação Tranquila: Desvendando a Paz Duradoura através da Oração, da Bondade e das Promessas de Deus” Ao despertar para o amanhecer de hoje com um estimulante sentimento de gratidão, o meu espírito transbordou de alegria ao celebrar a Graça incomensurável de Deus, a Misericórdia inabalável e o Perdão sem limites. Ainda está assim, enquanto o […]
Author: Albert Martin
“Tranquil Transformation: Unveiling Lasting Peace through Prayer, Kindness, and God’s Promises”
“Tranquil Transformation: Unveiling Lasting Peace through Prayer, Kindness, and God’s Promises” Awakening to the dawn today with an exhilarating sense of gratitude, my spirit was overflowing with joy in celebration of God’s immeasurable Grace, unwavering Mercy, and boundless Forgiveness. It still is even as my word processor writes these words. In a world filled with […]
Exposing the Cunning Misconceptions Your Anxiety Wants You to Believe
Introduction: – Navigating the Shadows of Deceit. A famous entertainer known to some as Max Bygraves, had a catchphrase which was “I wanna tell you a story.” So let me start here by doing the same in reminding us of the epic movie “The Lord of the Rings.” We find ourselves lured into a world […]
“From Ashes to Anthem – Embarking on a Journey of Divine Identity”
“From Ashes to Anthem – Embarking on a Journey of Divine Identity” During moments of self-reflection, we may sometimes see a version of ourselves in the mirror that feels a bit down, causing us to question our purpose and identity. However, during these times of uncertainty, there is a timeless truth that goes beyond the […]
When You Are Between A Rock and a Hard Place.
When You Are Between A Rock and a Hard Place. Hello, dear friends and fellow travellers on this beautiful journey of faith called life! Let’s come together for a few moments and embark on a reflection, drawing inspiration from – Psalm 81:16, Exodus 17:6 and Deuteronomy 8:16 – these words provide us with timeless wisdom […]
Silent Saints – Unveiling the Crisis of Evangelism
Silent Saints – Unveiling the Crisis of Evangelism Introduction: The Evangelism Mic Drop Moment. In the vast backdrop of Christian history, an anecdote resounds— the story of a man – (I don’t know who but it has been owned by both D.L Moody and James Kennedy in the past) – who was criticised for his […]
The Masculine Crisis
The Masculine Crisis – The Challenges and Blessings of Manhood – A Christian Exploration. It’s a bad time for men. The data can be manipulated in any way you choose, and it will still return the same result. There is a plague of fatherlessness among boys and young men. New cases of sexual misconduct by […]
Embracing God’s Wrath as an Act of Love – Not Indulgent Permissiveness.
“Embracing God’s Wrath as an Act of Love – Not Indulgent Permissiveness” In the echo of Billy Graham’s timeless words on August 25th, 2011, we stand at a critical juncture, a crossroads of spirituality that demands our attention. “It’s God’s love for man that prompts Him to hate sin with a vengeance,” Graham declared, an […]
Grace Alone
Hello, my brothers and Sisters in Christ, May this short meditation bless you today in your journey of faith. God generously provides the way for us to approach Jesus, and it’s solely by His grace that we experience salvation. To put it simply, our actions don’t earn our salvation; it’s a precious gift from God. […]
Understanding the Multifaceted Nature of Salvation in the Biblical Gospel.
Understanding the Multifaceted Nature of Salvation in the Biblical Gospel. Introduction: Exploring the concept of salvation in the context of the Biblical Gospel can be an intricate and multi-dimensional endeavour. The term “salvation” is not a simple, one-size-fits-all concept in the Bible; rather, it unfolds in a myriad of different ways, each holding a unique […]