FUNDERA PÅ JESUS Inledning: I en värld som är fylld av krav på att finna frälsare i tillfälliga segrar, flyktiga relationer och materiella strävanden, ekar ängelns tidlösa budskap till herdarna i Betlehem vid tiden för Kristi födelse med djup relevans. Det är en obestridlig sanning att mänskligheten, i sin strävan efter uppfyllelse och mening, ofta […]
Category: Sermons
The Saviour Jesus Considered Again.
The Saviour Jesus Considered Again. Introduction: In a world filled with the clamour for saviours found in transient victories, fleeting relationships, and material pursuits, the timeless message of the angel to the shepherds in Bethlehem at the time of Christ’s birth reverberates with profound relevance. It is an undeniable truth that humanity, in its pursuit […]
Le Sauveur Jésus reconsidéré.
Le Sauveur Jésus reconsidéré. Introduction : Dans un monde où l’on réclame des sauveurs que l’on trouve dans des victoires éphémères, des relations fugaces et des poursuites matérielles, le message intemporel de l’ange aux bergers de Bethléem, au moment de la naissance du Christ, résonne avec une profonde pertinence. C’est une vérité indéniable que l’humanité, […]
O Salvador Jesus Considerado Novamente.
O Salvador Jesus Considerado Novamente. Introdução: Num mundo cheio de clamores por salvadores encontrados em vitórias transitórias, relacionamentos fugazes e buscas materiais, a mensagem intemporal do anjo aos pastores em Belém na altura do nascimento de Cristo reverbera com profunda relevância. É uma verdade inegável que a humanidade, na sua busca de realização e objetivo, […]
Ще раз про Спасителя Ісуса.
Ще раз про Спасителя Ісуса. Вступ: У світі, наповненому пошуком спасителя у швидкоплинних перемогах, швидкоплинних стосунках і матеріальних пошуках, вічне послання ангела пастухам у Вифлеємі під час народження Христа відлунює з глибокою актуальністю. Незаперечною істиною є те, що людство у своєму прагненні до самореалізації та мети часто шукає порятунку у швидкоплинному та відчутному. Наше суспільство, […]
Discovering yourself – Lessons from American Idol.
I’m over the moon to set sail on a journey that not only sets your heart ablaze with faith but dives headfirst into the mind-boggling notion of discovering our authentic selves in the arms of Christ. Our tale today takes us back to a fateful day on June 11, 2002, when the legendary singing showdown, American Idol, made its grand entrance.
Discipleship’s Cost in a Consumer-Driven World
While the assurance of eternal salvation remains a firm promise, due to the grace gift of “persevering faith” the road of discipleship frequently travels through valleys of affliction. The work of sanctification provisioned by the Holy Spirit, like a master craftsman, carries out a chiselling and moulding of us, refining our faith through trials, tribulations, and even chaos.
S’épanouir comme des tournesols Suivre la lumière du Fils sur le chemin de la croissance spirituelle.
S’épanouir comme des tournesols Suivre la lumière du Fils sur le chemin de la croissance spirituelle. Introduction : Les tournesols ont toujours eu une place spéciale dans mon cœur pour une raison que j’ignore. Lorsque je les vois se dresser dans les champs et le long des routes, avec leurs visages vifs tournés vers la […]
Do The Work of an Evangelist
Step into my journey, where the divine beckoning led me to embrace the mantle of an Ephesians 4 Evangelist. In the spirit of “2 Timothy 4:5,” I unveil a testimony that intertwines the personal and the profound, igniting a spark of inspiration for us all. Embark with me on a path of purpose and devotion!
Jesus – The Pathway to Wholeness
Are you, my friends, past the point of weary? Does life’s journey seem like an uphill battle, with burdens that threaten to engulf your every step? I want you to take a moment and reflect on those heavy weights you carry – the doubts, the fears, the regrets. As you do so I want to tell you the remarkable truth: there’s hope that shines brighter than any darkness, a hope embodied in the person of my Jesus.