There are at least seven stages that a young eagle goes through when learning to fly. These stages are also evident in God’s “training” us to live the life of faith.
Category: Sermons
Mounting Up with Wings Like Eagles
The COVID-19 (Corona) virus is a significant challenged to the people of God. It has stopped us gathering together in our traditional worship settings, but I want to declare right now – it will NEVER stop the Church! We are called will fight this crisis on our knees in prayer — and as we will fight it together. “Nothing, absolutely nothing, is able to separate us from the love of God that is found in Christ Jesus our Lord” – “Romans 8:39”.
The Hallmarks of the Church
Today is the opportunity to build the tomorrow of success in Mission and Evangelism.
Fundamentally we are here to GO, Live Out and to PROCLAIM the GOSPEL. It is through the Going & Proclaiming that God chooses to make His appeal to people.
It is a fact that I am sure that none of us today would try to deny that everybody is looking for a life of freedom and pleasure, looking to get the best out of what life has given to them, and to find satisfaction from what to many is a meagre existence from day to day. I am here to tell you that in the words of the Lord Jesus Christ that are above, we have the very answer to that need.
The Workers Privilage
The power of God will take you out of your own plans and put you into the plan of God. You will be un-mantled and divested of that which is purely of yourself and put into a divine order. The Lord will change you and put His mind where yours was, and thus enable you to have the mind of Christ.
Remember Who You Are
Namely, We Stand in Christ’s Victory (1 Corinthians 15:57).
Namely, We Dwell in Heavenly Places far above principalities and powers who are arrayed against us (Ephesians 2:6).
Namely, we journey knowing that we are more than conquers (Romans 8:37).
Welcome to the War
The truth is, and sometimes it is an especially difficult one to face up to is that we are in an on-going spiritual warfare involving the everyday lives of every believer. The war will not cease until we find ourselves joining Jesus at His second coming, and then it will only be for a short 7-year period until we return with Him for the final onslaught.
The 2nd Coming of Christ
We must not for one moment consider that the doctrine of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ and the Rapture of the Church is anything other than an essential element of the Gospel. It is the hope given to those who are members of the Body of Christ. In fact, the Lord has gone to great lengths through the inspiration of the Scriptures to emphasis how important it is.
Soldiers of Christ
Trials, Skirmishes, Conflicts and Battles will all be fought but unlike a natural army – We may lose the odd battle or conflict, but we know the “Actual War has already been won”. I said earlier that Jesus declared “It is finished” and the outworking of that victory is manifested in His Resurrection where He defeated the last enemy Death. In “2 Chronicles 20:15” it says, “The battle is not yours but Gods”.
Are There Few That Be Saved
Text: – “Then said one unto the Lord, are there few that be saved” – “LUKE: 13:23” Introduction: – You are here today and listening to me and I can tell you of a surety that it’s not an accident or mere chance that you are doing so. God has seen fit to bring your […]