What It Means To Be Spiritually Lost

Now I’m sure that you like me realise that the whole world is given over to Materialism, and a desire to have more of what we might call the luxuries of life, and it is a fact that so many are completely overtaken by this desire, to the exclusion of everything else.

Spiritual matters take a back seat, and when you speak to people about Jesus, you know what happens they Procrastinate. Many of them say not today when I get older etc then I’ll think about Jesus Christ but very often Death takes these people unawares.

What It Means to Be Lost

If you had a child and you knew that what it was doing was going to bring about its eventual destruction, you would have every right to be angry; well, that is God’s heart towards you today.

He is angry because He gave His Son Jesus Christ to save you from yourself, the devil, and sins misery. His Son Jesus died to provide forgiveness, healing, and deliverance and yet you have turned His gracious offer away.

Why not turn the anger and wrath of God away today by receiving Jesus Christ as your Saviour. He desires to Save; He desires to Deliver. He desires to set you free from Demonic Possession or Oppression and He desires to Heal your Bodies.

Words of Terror from the Depths of Hell

Scripture: – “Luke 16:23-31” “Then he died, this poor man, and was taken up by the angels to the lap of Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. In hell and in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham in the distance and Lazarus in his lap. He called out, ‘Father Abraham, mercy! […]

The Promise of Life and Freedom from Guilt

It is a fact that I am sure that none of us today would try to deny that everybody is looking for a life of freedom and pleasure. Everyone is looking to get the best out of what life has given to them, and to find satisfaction from what to many is a meagre existence from day to day. Well! I am here to tell you that in the words of the Lord Jesus Christ that I have read earlier on from “John 5:24,” that we discover the answer to that need.

Are We All The Children of God?

A short time ago I was tuning into a Christmas Service and was blessed by the actual service but heard the statement “We are All the Children of God,” and it was one of those moments when the “hairs on the back of one’s neck stand up” because it was so clearly not what the Bible teaches.

The statement would have been fine had it been unpacked a little to explain what was meant by the statement but unfortunately it was just left there “hanging in the air” as if it was truth.

We may ask “What’s the problem with this remark?” Well! it’s a very important problem because it leaves folks with a misunderstanding of the route to salvation and a false premise upon which to stake their eternal destiny.

The Challenge of Sound Doctrine

The anti-intellectual, anti-authority society, that we all live in and have grown up in especially when it comes to religious matters is one for the most part built upon an existential experience driven journey. We love the “warm fuzzy, feel good” meetings and teaching and why? Because they feed the “Selfie, Facebook and especially Narcissistic” attitudes and Self-centred Mentality. Testimonies are “Good and Essential” but will never replace “Teaching” that comes out of the realities of our walk with God.

Are We Preachers & Leaders Fully Persuaded

I personally believe that there is a profound and awesome responsibility that falls upon the shoulders of anyone who is privileged enough to be a preacher of the gospel. It is true, that all children of God are preachers in that we are called one and all to be proclaimers of the gospel and to take whatever opportunity presents itself toshare the good news – “1 Peter 3:15”. However, there are those who are called in addition to the standard calling to be public proclaimers – preachers in a corporate function.

Peters Alter Ego

The words “little faith” is one word in the original Greek. Littlefaith – (Ὀλιγόπιστε)-(Oligopiste). It’s almost like a nickname. There is tenderness expressed in the words of Jesus. There is understanding in the words of Jesus. There is compassion in the words of Jesus