Work Out Your Own Salvation With Fear & Trembling

This Scripture text is commonly misconstrued. It is also frequently not read and pondered in light of the context of the actual words under consideration. The inability to “contextually interpret Scripture with Scripture” is one of the great weaknesses of our doctrinally untaught “Universal Church” in the world today. It has ignited the “blue touch paper” as it was enabling the multitude of “Iconic False Teachers” to present erroneous doctrines in our generation and has gripped the Church of Jesus. We live in days in which there are so many folks with itching ears – This is what we find in “2 Timothy 4:3” – “You’re going to find that there will be times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching but will fill up on spiritual junk food – catchy opinions that tickle their fancy. They’ll turn their backs on truth and chase mirages.” The Message  

I wrote a blog post and a paper a while ago, and if you are a “Leader / Pastor” in any area of authority today, I strongly encourage you to read it and meditate on it. You can find it at If you are not a “Leader / Pastor,” however, I urge you to read it anyway.

This particular Scripture is often utilised to invoke a sub-conscious element of fear in individuals, thereby creating a “Works Based” pilgrimage of faith. It instils into the thinking that the absence of “works” would mean that they risk – God in Heaven” tearing up their “Adoption Papers.” To be honest it would be a laughable concept if it were not so sad a case that so many are living in the midst of the “Liberty of the Children of God” with a “Ball & Chain” firmly affixed to their spiritual ankles.


Les gens utilisent l’expression “ayez la foi, tout s’arrangera” pour encourager et
consoler ceux qui sont confrontés à des défis majeurs ou à des situations stressantes.
En outre, lorsqu’on aspire à toute forme d’activités d’évangélisation, la foi est une
caractéristique essentielle de sa mise en œuvre. Elle est également utilisée dans le
cadre de la fidélité. Mais qu’est-ce que la foi selon la Bible, et est-ce qu’elle
fonctionne ?
Dans le Nouveau Testament, la foi est traduite en anglais à partir du mot grec Pistis
(πίστις, εως, ἡ. ). Selon le New Strong’s Expanded Dictionary of Bible Words, ” Pistis
est employé pour la croyance avec le sens prédominant de confiance (ou confidence)
en Dieu ou en Christ, découlant de la foi en ces derniers “. “Le mot ‘foi’ est synonyme
de confiance, assurance et croyance” (p. 1315).

ABEL – Uma manifestação de fé.

As pessoas usam a frase “basta ter fé, tudo vai dar certo” para encorajar e consolar
aqueles que enfrentam grandes desafios ou situações estressantes. Além disso,
quando se aspira a qualquer forma de atividade evangelística, a fé é uma
característica essencial de seu trabalho. Ela também é utilizada no que diz respeito à
fidelidade. Mas o que é a fé segundo a Bíblia, e ela funciona?
No Novo Testamento, a fé é traduzida para o inglês pela palavra grega Pistis (πίστις,
εως, ἡ. ) Segundo o Dicionário Expandido de Palavras Bíblicas do New Strong, “Pistis é
empregado de crença com o sentido predominante de confiança (ou confiança) em
Deus ou Cristo, proveniente da fé no mesmo. “‘Fé’ é sinônimo de confiança,
confiança, segurança e crença” (p. 1315)

The Most Important Question Ever Asked – Requiring an answer

I declare today and say that this is probably the most profound and life-affecting question that any man or woman has been asked or answered. Why? Because if we do the right thing in respect of Jesus Christ, we become the partakers of everything worth having for time and eternity, but if we do the wrong thing in respect of Jesus Christ, we shall lose everything worth having for time and eternity.

Don’t Be Yourself

The Gospel in many respects is a scandal because it tells each and every man, woman, and child – whether “criminal”, “good,” religious or otherwise – that they must be born again – being themselves – outside of an encounter with Christ in their salvation is the pathway to destruction. The Bible in “John 3:3,” tells us that the unregenerate man who is “keeping it real” is keeping’ himself in constant threat of God’s wrath and only increasing his condemnation – “Romans 2:4-5” living like that only provides an eternal barrier to the kingdom of God.  

“Lord, to whom shall we go?

We are all faced with a problem and a profoundly significant question, and it is – “To whom shall we go?” in regard to sin, truth, and the pathway to heaven. The question relates to the most fundamental of situations: that of sin and our eternal destiny. Sin is an unpopular word in today’s multicultural society of “forward-thinking, intellectual, and live and let live” societies. In the previous generations, it was unpopular because it was uncomfortable, now it is unpopular because a “live and let live” and “do what feels right” consciousness is the prevalent way of thinking.

Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

A wolf in sheep’s clothing is someone who appears to be friendly and to be concerned with your best interest, but who actually has hidden motives to take advantage of you or use you in some manner. 

The idiom wolf in sheep’s clothing is found in the New Testament, “Matthew 7:15” – “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”

Living Like Heroes

Living as Heroes “Hebrews: 11: 1 to 40.” There is a plan in place for every one of God’s children. We have been welcomed into the family of God by the “Royal Decree,” and much like King David of old, we have been reborn through the experience of being “Born Again” to “Reign in Life” […]