Do You Ask The Question?

Do You Ask the Question?

In my “secular employment utilised to underpin the ministry activities of Worldwide Christian Ministries,” I meet with potential enquirers many of which are moved from being enquirers to customers. Why is that? It’s simply because they are asked – “Do you want to go ahead?

I was amazed in a previous employment at “Sales Meetings” to find that only two out of twelve ever asked for the order. Most of the time it was out of a “sub-conscious” fear of being rejected. The problem with that is that another will come in and “steal the sale” away. It reminds me of what Jesus said in – “Mark 4:14” – But these upon the side of the road are those who have the word sown in them, and when they have heard, immediately Satan comes and takes the word away that was sown in their hearts.” Aramaic Bible in Plain English

In all of my ministry years since 1968 to 2022 I’ve seen many times and in many places where on a – one to one – encounter or in a – meeting where many have gathered – where potential or known unbelievers received perhaps an amazing prophetic word, some even physical healing but then were never brought to the position of “closing the sale” in other words asked if they wanted to take Christ as Saviour and Lord.

I read a story a long time ago of a really bad “lost opportunity.” It involved D.L. Moody – He was an American Evangelist and Publisher. He told the story of preaching the gospel at a church meeting, after which he told the people to go home and think about what they heard.

That week the great Chicago fire of 08 Oct 1871 – 10 Oct 1871 ravaged the town. Many of those very people lost their lives before they made the decision to follow Christ. From that time, Moody began giving altar calls whenever he preached urging the people to make a decision for Christ right then and there emphasising the urgency of the matter.

An altar call should be made in a congregational setting and may be effective. However, how do you bring a person to a point of decision in one-on-one evangelism? It’s easy. Just ask a pointed question like, “Do you need to get right with God?” or “What is keeping you from surrendering your life to Jesus?”

This will bring your conversation to a point of decision a point of “closing the Sale” and this is the point where salvation takes place. As witnesses, this is what we are after.

Don’t be afraid to ask a person to make a decision and to pray with them right away. They may never have another chance. Now is the day of Salvation!

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