Praise God No Matter What.

Praise God No Matter Where You Are or What You’re Going Through.

I want to tell you that as Worldwide Christian Ministries ( we are committed to our goal of blessing, encouraging, teaching, and inspiring people. Today, let’s embark on a spiritual journey with the guidance of God’s Word and the wisdom of His promises.

In Psalm 149:3, we are told to dance and praise the Lord. Sometimes that is really a big ask. Life is a lot like dancing through the dark, where you don’t know what to do or how to get there. But we are still told to praise the Lord right. David danced with all his strength in front of the Ark of the Lord 2 Samuel 6:14. We must also dance through the unknowns of life because our songs show us the way.

The Bible tells us to sing even when things are bad. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were in Daniel 3 facing a fiery furnace, but they sang thanks to God while they were there. Their faith made them strong, and their song became a sign of how God saved them. In the same way that they blended with the flames of trouble, we should raise our voices when life gets hard.

Remember the story in 1 Samuel 17 about David and Goliath. As a young shepherd, David stood up to a giant with unshakeable faith. He took on the task because he knew that God was with him. We have to face the giants in our lives like David did and stay strong in our faith. We can praise God from places of danger, just like David did in the valley as he faced his giant because we know that God is our safest place – He is our “Refuge and Strength.”

In the 23rd Psalm the hills are talked about, but the Lord’s presence makes us feel stronger. Let your praises be heard, whether you’re on top of the world or in the depths of the valley. As the psalmist did, raise your voice in thanks when the way is clear. When you’re in the valley, do the same because you can believe that God will lead you through it by singing praises.

In Acts 16, we read about Paul and Silas who were in jail but blessed God by singing songs. The rejoicing they expressed shook the prison doors open. Just like they sang while they were in jail, we should praise God no matter what. You can use your praise to open doors in your life if you proclaim it to heaven.

The Bible tells us to be brave and strong in times of trouble and war. Joshua 1:9 says that the Lord tells Joshua to be brave and not give up. When bad things happen, your unwavering faith gives other people hope, just like Joshua’s faith did for the Israelites.

Throughout your life, you can testify to God’s faithfulness. In Psalm 34:8, we are urged to taste and see that the Lord is good. His promises have been kept, His goodness has been evident in every step of your journey, and the blessings you will discover as you look are too numerous to count. 

So, my dear brothers and sisters, know that there are many reasons to praise God, no matter where you are in this complicated picture of life, in the dark or the light, in the valley or on top of the mountain, in prison or the lion’s den. You can worship him because he is with you, leading you and loving you.

No matter where you are or what you’re going through, praise Him. In your praises, you will find the strength, courage, and unshakable faith to get through anything life throws at you.

We pray that God’s love and kindness are always with you. Amen.

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God bless you, 


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