Newsletter No 5 – September 2018
“First, I thank my God through Jesus the Anointed for all of you because family, and your faith is spreading across the world. For I call God as my witness – whom I worship in my spirit and serve in making known the gospel – He alone knows how often I mention you in my prayers. I find myself constantly praying for you and hoping it’s in God’s will for me to be with you soon. I desperately want to see you so that I can share some gift of the Spirit to strengthen you. Plus, I know that when we come together something beautiful will happen as we are encouraged by each other’s faith.” – “Romans 8: 1 to 11” – The Voice
My Dear Friends and Co-Workers in Christ,
This is the 5th Newsletter I have sent, the last one being September 2017. I hope that this will be of interest to you.
Some of you will already know but God gave great grace and blessing for the – Mission Trip – to Argentina between Wednesday 15th November through Thursday 28th November 2017. Likewise, in respect to trip to Belgium back in June 2018.
I had requested your on-going prayer support with the following challenge:
- Gods Children is “How Big is our God”.
- We can try to fit Him in the walls of my mind – We will fail!
- We can try to keep Him safely in between the lines of our lives – Why would we!
- We can try to contain Him in the boxes we have designed – Why would we be so foolhardy!
- We can try to try to pull Him down, so we are eye to eye – What would be the point!
He certainly was not “Confined behind walls, kept between the lines of that which we consider safe, constrained to our pre-designed boxes or brought down to our level” – No! He was mighty to save, deliver and to heal.
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” – “Ephesians: 2-10” – NIV”
I never cease to be amazed at the grace of God at work in my life and I find myself filled with gratitude to Him.
I was considering over the last few days how that God has perfectly “tailored” His Grace and Favour to us. He knew us in fact before all things came into being and He designed the clothing of grace that would be a perfect fit and be appropriate every occasion of life’s journey.
His Grace takes weak people and amaze the strong by making the weak amazingly strong. In the same way His Grace takes those who are deemed foolish and amazes all by making them Wise. His Grace grasps the wounded and scarred and makes them whole.
When we are honest with ourselves as we look in the mirror, we recognise that in our inability and weakness He provides for us. We can be so encouraged that the Worlds System of thinking is not in any way inhibiting to us. Where would we be if He did not pour it His grace upon us daily.
It’s not our upbringing, our education, our friends or family that determines how our journey pans out – It is the grace of God – His grace that enables us to fulfil – God’s Potential in our journey from Birth to Glory.
We all are aware that God has requirements of us and that in our own strength we are destined to failure – But experiencing His Grace instigates the confidence that He will accomplish in us that which He wants.
He will truly “Finish that which He started” – “American King James Version
“Being confident of this very thing, that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” New International Version
“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. “
However, I also noticed that further to the blessing of knowing we are saved, and His Grace is our habitation we are also:
- God’s Handiwork
- God’s Masterpiece
- God’s Workmanship
His work of grace is manifested in you and me. His creative work is still in play and His fingers of creation are still moulding as the potter moulds the clay.
God’s Grace in Action
During the 11 days of mission activity in Argentina there were at least 100 people who confessed their desire to receive Jesus as their Saviour, some healing of bodies. In particular a man who attended a meeting with a broken wrist who confessed to be completely healed after prayer. Many others testified to be released and encouraged.
What was the purpose of the mission – To see people saved, healed, delivered and encouraged – Praise God He accomplished all those things and all I can say is “What a marvellous privilege out of the abundance of His grace that He chose to use such as me” and that He chose to have “all of us engaged in the activities of His kingdom”.
The Videos of the various meetings are to be found at: –
- https://youtu.be/UCd5O1WS73Q
- https://youtu.be/XbxsnVXHxmc
- https://youtu.be/t_KqnLNwv5g
- https://youtu.be/U8EedePp5tw
- https://youtu.be/BteiGyOCXgo
In Belgium God blessed the Church in Liege and 6 People gave their lives to Christ, and others were blessed in discovering a new found freedom from things that had held them captive for many years – The Video of the Meeting is to be found in – https://youtu.be/hVJmwWh0L1c
I want to express my sincere gratitude to all who have provided both prayer and financial support to these last two trips and have done so in the past – God is no man’s debtor and I am sure He will reward you accordingly.
You will also be pleased to hear that because I believe in tithing income the Ministry receives that it was able to provide in its tithe to the support of a young lady in France who was going through training in Evangelism.
There is a “Big Vision” that we together share.
The Leaders in Burundi were urging me on the occasion of my last visit to return and I have been prayerfully considering if its Gods timing for me to return. I believe it to be so.
I out of the blue received an invitation from the General Superintendent of the Burundi Assemblies of God to come to Burundi and to minister for him. The AOG began in Burundi in 2001 and passed through many challenges. However, there are now 57 churches in Burundi with 5750 believers.
I will be going in Mid-November (the actual finalised dated yet to be established) but I will be there for a week and it is likely to involve – 3 Days of Open Air Crusade Ministry as on a previous visit – See – https://youtu.be/2U2TCVWnJmc this Video shows the Crusade plus other Ministry.
I really need you to pray about the visit as it seems to me that God has and is opening doors in Burundi to reach the lost and to in my small way to encourage His Church.
FAMILY CAMP – 1st July to 14th July 2019
I have been requested to go to the South of France in July 2019 to participate in the ministry conducted in a Family Camp. There are expected to be a minimum of 50/60 people who will be attending and coming from various Churches and Organisations.
Again, please be in prayer for me that He will ignite in my spirit just the right things to say and to know of the wind of the Spirit to minister and prophetically encourage those who will attend.
Financial Support
The trip to Burundi in November is going to incur costs of approximately £1,060.00 – If you feel that you wish to “seed into this mission outreach” or any others then please utilise any of the following methods: –
- Go to www.worldwidechristianministries.org/donate/ and utilise the “what ministry is your donation for section” where you will find you can donate via PayPal. – (Just hit the link and it will take you to the web site.)
- Make a Bank Transfer to the following account – Rev A Martin – Sort Code 23/05/80 – Account Number 24028644
- Cheque made out to Rev Albert M Martin – 28 Chipstead Close Maidstone Kent ME16 0DH England
The donations will be (Confirmed with a letter of thanks).
God Bless You All as you continue with me in His Harvest Field

Rev Albert Martin
World Wide Missions
28 Chipstead Close
ME16 0DH
United Kingdom
Mob:- +44 (0)7939 100842
Website: – www.worldwidechristianministries.org
Email: – revalbertmmartin@aol.com