Les gens utilisent l’expression “ayez la foi, tout s’arrangera” pour encourager et
consoler ceux qui sont confrontés à des défis majeurs ou à des situations stressantes.
En outre, lorsqu’on aspire à toute forme d’activités d’évangélisation, la foi est une
caractéristique essentielle de sa mise en œuvre. Elle est également utilisée dans le
cadre de la fidélité. Mais qu’est-ce que la foi selon la Bible, et est-ce qu’elle
fonctionne ?
Dans le Nouveau Testament, la foi est traduite en anglais à partir du mot grec Pistis
(πίστις, εως, ἡ. ). Selon le New Strong’s Expanded Dictionary of Bible Words, ” Pistis
est employé pour la croyance avec le sens prédominant de confiance (ou confidence)
en Dieu ou en Christ, découlant de la foi en ces derniers “. “Le mot ‘foi’ est synonyme
de confiance, assurance et croyance” (p. 1315).
Category: Studies
Does “fallen man” retain some shred of free will to put his trust in Christ?
Does “fallen man” retain some shred of free will to put his trust in Christ? Wow, that’s some inquiry! Numerous debates and discussions have arisen from this question.
Yes! Without a Shadow of a Doubt, say the sceptics. But the author would exclaim, “Really! ”
Built On The Rock Christ Jesus
BUILT ON THE ROCK CHRIST JESUS Text: – “Upon this rock I will build my Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” “Matthew 16:18” Introduction: – The words taken from my text today, and which I want to focus our thoughts upon are very well known. When looked at in the […]
What Is Church Discipline?
“What Is Church Discipline?” Intro: – As I begin in this short study on the topic of Church Discipline, I want to say that its imposition is always one of the saddest and potentially destructive processes that any Church Leadership or Organisation can enter into. However, even so it at times cannot and should not […]
The Seventh Day Adventists
In this study on the Seventh-Day Adventist Movement and their teachings, it is my intention to reveal them in their subtle and oft time deceptive (although often innocently) doctrinal views and law ridden practises. They do not believe in the Trinity and also are Post-tribulation Premillennialism and hold other un-biblical doctrines.
The Separation of Faith
The Separation of Faith Scripture: – “Hebrews 11:8-10” Introduction: – Abraham is an Old Testament character who Bible Scholars and Biblical Historians generally accept as the foremost Patriarch of Judaism and Islam plus and Man of Faith. It would be true to say that individuals do not become notable by sitting and doing nothing and […]
The Lord’s Prayer
Part 2 Scripture: – “Matthew 6:9–13” Introduction: – In our previous thoughts on this study of some of the phrases and statements of the Lord’s Prayer, we concentrated our thoughts on the background and introduction of it to us, by the Lord Jesus. We focused especially on the two words “Our Father”, and it’s right that […]
The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer Part 1 of 2 Scripture: – “Matthew 6:9-13” Introduction: – The Lord’s Prayer, which these verses in Matthews Gospel is so commonly called is perhaps the most well-known of all the prayers of the Word of God, and also perhaps due to this, the prayer that means the least, not due to […]
یسوع خدا کا بیٹا – یسوع مسیح کا کردار
JESUS THE SON OF GOD – THE CHARACTER OF JESUS CHRIST – URDU TRANSLATION کیا یسوع مسیح ایک لیجنڈ ، مجنوں ، جھوٹا ، یا خداوند اور خدا ہے ؟ تعارف:- ہم نے اپنے پچھلے مطالعہ میں غور کیا ہے ، وہ پہل جو خدا نے اپنے آپ کو انسانوں کے پاس ظاہر کیا ، […]
Jesus is not one of the Group of those considered to be the World’s great. He is far beyond that classification and grouping.