Want To Be a Christian?

I do a lot of posting on – YouTube, FaceBook, WhatsApp, Twitter etc. but I have to tell you that when I consider all that I’ve done on social media this is perhaps the most relevant to you today as you read it. Why? Because it’s one of if not the most profound, impactful, and carrying with-it eternal consequences questions that an individual will ever ask.

Out of all the stuff I’ve written, this one’s a game-changer. Seriously, as I’ve said it’s about the most important question ever, the kind that can totally change your eternity.

My Journey of Spiritual Rebirth and Embracing Resurrection Life.

Hey there, friends! I’m bursting with excitement because I just can’t keep it in – my God is alive, and His power is pulsating through my veins! As I gear up to celebrate my 71st trip around the sun next Thursday, I find myself reflecting on a pivotal moment in my spiritual journey.

Picture this: April 4th, 1968, 21:50hrs. A date etched on my Heavenly Birth Certificate in the indelible ink of Christ’s blood. It’s the starting point of my adventure. On 4th April 1953 spiritually I came into the world stillborn. In 1968 I was dead. But hang tight, because this story takes an electrifying turn!

“وقتنا بين يديك”.

“وقتنا بين يديك.” تجلب كل لحظة تمر حقيقة حتمية لرحيل شخص ما عن هذا العالم، ولكننا جميعًا لا ندرك مكاننا في “طابور” الرحيل. إن الآية “آجالنا في يديه” تجسد بشكل جميل الحقيقة العميقة لمزمور 31: 15، التي تذكرنا بأن حياتنا تديرها يد الله القدير بمحبة. هذه الحقيقة هي عقيدة أساسية في الإيمان المسيحي وتسلط الضوء […]

Наш час у твоїх руках

“Наш час у твоїх руках.” Кожна мить приносить неминучу реальність чийогось відходу з цього світу, але всі ми не знаємо свого місця в “черзі” відходу. Вірш “Наш час у Його руках” чудово передає глибоку істину Псалма 31:15, який нагадує нам, що нашим життям з любов’ю керує рука Всемогутнього Бога. Ця істина є фундаментальним переконанням християнської […]

Nosso tempo está em suas mãos

“Nosso tempo está em suas mãos”. Cada momento que passa traz a realidade inevitável da partida de alguém deste mundo, mas todos nós não temos consciência de nosso lugar na “fila” da partida. O versículo “Our times are in His hands” (Nosso tempo está em Suas mãos) capta maravilhosamente a profunda verdade do Salmo 31:15, […]

Our Times Are In His Hands

“Our Times Are In His Hands”. Each passing moment brings the inevitable reality of someone’s departure from this world, but we are all unaware of our place in the “queue” of departure. The verse “Our times are in His hands” beautifully captures the profound truth of Psalm 31:15, which reminds us that our lives are […]

Notre temps est entre vos mains

“Notre temps est entre vos mains”. Chaque instant qui passe apporte l’inévitable réalité du départ de quelqu’un de ce monde, mais nous sommes tous inconscients de notre place dans la “file d’attente” du départ. Le verset “Notre temps est entre ses mains” exprime parfaitement la profonde vérité du Psaume 31:15, qui nous rappelle que nos […]

It Is Finished

Introduction: It is hoped that this article destined to be a meditation will bless you. It is provided in – English, French, Portuguese, and Arabic. Introduction : Nous espérons que cet article destiné à être une méditation vous bénira. Il est disponible en anglais, français, portugais et arabe. Introdução: Esperamos que este artigo, destinado a […]