Text: – “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?” “Hebrews 2:3” Introduction: – Beside the many and varied answers that Gods Word the Bible gives to us, in regard to the “human condition” there are yet a multitude of questions that deserve, nay demand in light of the eternity that lies ahead […]
Category: Sermons
When Life Gets You Bent Out Of Shape – URDU Translation
جب زندگی آپ کو ہر طرح کے متن سے ہٹا دیتی ہے: – “عورت ، تم اپنی کمزوری سے آزاد ہو گئے ہو۔” پھر اس نے اس پر ہاتھ رکھا اور فورا she ہی سیدھا ہوکر اس نے خدا کی تعریف کی۔ ” – “لوقا: 13: 10-13” صحیفہ: – “سبت کے دن یسوع ایک عبادت خانہ […]
Are You Bent Out Of Shape
You have a problem with alcohol, and you’re asked to “Stop drinking!” and you reply, “I can’t!”
You have a problem with pornography, and you’re asked to “Stop looking at pornography!” and you reply, “I can’t!”
You have a problem with drug abuse, and you’re asked to “Stop abusing drugs!” and you reply, “I can’t!”
You have a problem with bitterness of spirit, and you’re asked to “Stop being bitter!” you reply “I can’t!”
You have a problem with forgiveness, and you’re asked to “Forgive that person that hurt you!” and you reply, “I can’t!”
Watchman – “What of the Night”
Watchman – “What of the Night” “This message came to me concerning Edom – Someone from Edom keeps calling to me, “Watchman, how much longer until morning? When will the night be over?” The watchman replies, “Morning is coming, but night will soon return. If you wish to ask again, then come back and ask.”– […]
I guess if I were to ask everyone here now what was the most popular phrase that is used on the large sandwich boards that are sometimes seen being carried about the answer would be either “The end of the World is Nigh” or “Prepare to meet your God.” When these are seen inevitably, they arouse in the minds of those that see them nothing but ridicule and mockery. Yet, the idea and particularly the message that is being conveyed is very pertinent and profound.
Faiths Impossibilities
“The measure of faith” is the same for every believer, and it is the same faith that Jesus possessed. Different believers may have developed and strengthened their faith over time and by the Word, but their faith is no different than yours. You have that same capability. Only You Can Build Your Faith.
So much of the preaching we hear in our day and age and it’s so noticeable as one looks on “Facebook”, “YouTube” etc is not specifically designed to keep congregations in a state of “need” or “living with a fortress mentality” or “living in mediocrity” but because it is so “gentle, un-offensive, vanilla and all about the ordinary” and maintaining (numbers / status quo) it results in Gods People believing that’s it’s their destiny and the way things are – Well! I’m here to say that its wrong.
Gods Man and His Work and Preparation
The Word of God, the Bible is within the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ to be the “final voice of authority” in all matters. I hope we can agree with that. If not, then some soul searching is required. In light of His Voice being the “Final Authority” and our subject matter today – Gods Man and His Work of Preparation – the opinion that God in His Word provides for us is of the utmost importance.
The Workers Commission
It is of importance for all of us today to recognise that the foundation of everything that is done, in the Lord’s Name and for Him is built upon the basis of Relationship. Relationship, Yes! With one another, but more importantly, relationship with the Lord Himself. Relationship is the first and foremost qualification for service, and relationship is not gained by Church attendance. It’s not found in the continual pressures of doing Good Works. It’s not obtained, by the giving of one’s finances. It is simply through Birth.
No Other Name
Scripture: – “Acts 4: 8 to 10“ Text: – “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” – “Acts 4:12“ We are living in a day and generation in which Men and Women are looking for a solution to […]