The Illusion of Being “Free from Belief” Atheists often claim they’re “free from belief.” They reject the idea of gods, doctrines, and anything beyond the realm of rational, unbiased science. But beneath this self-proclaimed devotion to reason lies a series of contradictions. For a group that prides itself on rejecting dogma, atheism appears to have […]
Category: Meditations
We Have An Anchor. The image of the anchor with the name “Jesus” powerfully symbolises the secure foundation that believers have in Christ, especially in the midst of life’s storms. This imagery draws from the words of Hebrews 6:19, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” In this anchor, […]
God’s Masterpiece – The Incredible Truth About Biological Sex.
God’s Masterpiece – The Incredible Truth About Biological Sex. Hey there, fellow truth-seekers! Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s been making waves in our culture: the reality of biological sex. Buckle up, because we’re about to explore the mind-blowing design that God has woven into every single one of us! The Mic Drop Moment […]
The Christian’s Battle with Swearing — From Worldly Language to Kingdom Speech.
The Christian’s Battle with Swearing — From Worldly Language to Kingdom Speech. As Christians, and I hope I find agreement with this, we are called to reflect the values of God’s Kingdom in every aspect of our lives, including the words we speak. However, amongst the many challenges many believers face is one that I’m highlighting that […]
“Come on my soul don’t you get shy in me, lift up your voice, you’ve got a lion inside of you.” Title: Unleash the Lion Within – A Call to Share and Invite. Friends, I’m back, and yes, I know I’m “banging on” again about sharing our faith. But as an evangelist, it’s my calling, […]
The Difference between Hunger and Appetite.
I’ve been thinking about something I read in the Bible recently, and I wanted to share it with you. It’s about this idea of hunger versus appetite, and how it relates to our lives and faith.
You know how Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled” Matthew 5:6. I’ve been pondering what He meant by that. It’s like He’s talking about a deeper kind of hunger than just wanting stuff, you know?
The Unchanging Word – Holding Steady in a Shifting World.
Let’s have the courage to proclaim the full, uncompromised Gospel, trusting in its inherent power to save and transform lives.
By doing so, we honour the timeless nature of God’s Word and ensure that its life-changing message continues to reach hearts and minds across generations.
Let’s remember “The fields of the harvest are white, but labourers are few.”
Baking My First Victoria Sponge Cake. Embracing New Adventures.
And when the heavenly aroma of freshly baked goodness wafted through my kitchen, I knew I had struck gold. Beholding the sight of that golden-brown sponge, adorned with layers of creamy decadence and fruity delight, filled me with an indescribable sense of accomplishment. Even this morning as I lifted the “Cake Box Lid” the taste but excitement burst onto the scene as the aroma hit me again.
Where Time Meets Eternity’s Redemption.
Where Time Meets Eternity’s Redemption. As Easter draws near, our hearts are drawn into the embrace of a story that transcends time itself, it’s a story of love, sacrifice, and redemption woven into the very fabric of existence. It’s a tale that begins long before the first Easter morning, reaching back to the dawn of […]
“Life, you know, is rather like opening a tin of sardines. We are all of us looking for the key.”
“Life, you know, is rather like opening a tin of sardines. We are all of us looking for the key.” Alan Bennett 1934 – English dramatist and actor: Beyond the Fringe (1961 revue) ‘Take a Pew’ Discovering the Path of Life – The Gospel Key. Today, I stumbled upon a quote by Alan Bennett that […]