A Child Born Against All Odds.

A Child Born Against All Odds.

A Miracle Of Divine Healing Unveiled in Burundi.

To God be the glory for His incredible, miracle-working power! Sometimes His wonders unfold in an instant, but other times, they reveal themselves in His perfect timing. Nine months ago, in February, I was ministering in Burundi, sharing the gospel and praying for those in need. Among those who responded to the call for salvation and healing was a woman who had been told by medical authorities that she was barren and would never have children. She came forward, burdened with the weight of her situation, seeking a miraculous touch from God.

With her permission, I laid my hands on her abdomen as we prayed, believing together that nothing is impossible for our mighty God – “Mark 16:18b …they will lay their hands upon the sick and they will recover.” J.B. Phillips.

Yesterday evening, I received a voice message from her Pastor and Pioneer Church Planter who WWCM support monthly, that fills my heart with awe and joy. This woman, once medically declared barren, has just in these last few days given birth to a beautiful child! What seemed impossible to man has become a reality through the love, mercy, and power of our God.

This may seem a coincidence to those who do not believe in miracles, but to us who are of the household of faith, we recognise that there are “Natural Coincidences” and then there are “Divinely inspired coincidences of divine healing.”

As the Scriptures declare: “He honours the childless wife in her home; he makes her happy by giving her children. Praise the LORD!” – Psalm 113:9. Indeed, His Word is true! Praise His holy name, for He is the God who hears, who heals, and who makes the barren woman rejoice with new life. May His name be lifted high, for He alone is worthy of all honour and praise!


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