Trust and Surrender in Discipleship.

Trust and Surrender in Discipleship.

In the quietness of Calvary and the Cross, amidst the echoes of suffering and redemption, we learn a valuable lesson about trust and discipleship.

Christ’s Example of Trust.

In his ultimate gesture of submission, Jesus said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” – Luke 23:46. It was a proclamation of unwavering trust, a high-level surrender. Despite the crushing weight of sorrow, Jesus placed his own essence in the loving embrace of the Father.

Our Call to Trust.

In our own lives, trust is frequently a frail thread that is readily frayed by uncertainty and fear. However, Christ’s example reveals the heart of authentic discipleship: a journey of surrender and trust. It invites us to entrust our deepest selves to the divine, to repeat the words, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit,” in the stillness of our hearts.

Assurance Amidst Despair.

At times, the journey of discipleship may appear dark, with God distant and salvation elusive. However, even in the depths of despair, we are assured that the Father listens and that His love has no limits. We, like Jesus, are urged to trust in the face of uncertainty, to surrender our anxieties and doubts to the One who holds everything in His hands.

The Romance of Discipleship.

But discipleship entails more than just believing or adhering to a set of principles. It is a romantic affair with the Divine. God says to us, “My son, give me your heart.” – Proverbs 23:26. He desires not merely our obedience, but our complete dedication. He seeks not just our love, but our love as our “first love”: passionate, all-consuming, and unyielding – Revelation 2:4.

Returning to First Love.

Amid daily living, it is easy to lose sight of this holy romance. The world’s cares, as well as the temptation of success and achievement, can distract us. Despite the cacophony and clamour, God’s voice still whispers, inviting us to return to our first love, to reignite the flame of passion that once blazed brilliantly within us.

Complete Devotion.

To fully adore God, we must fall in love with Him and devote our entire being to Him, body, mind, and soul – Mark 12:30-31. It is to trust Him with our innermost aspirations and anxieties, and to submit to His will even when it appears to contradict our own wants. It is to seek our genuine identity and fulfilment in Him alone.

Courage, Humility, and Faith.

Such love necessitates courage – the courage to abandon our own plans and objectives and welcome the unknown with open arms. It takes humility to confess our own limits and recognise that we are completely dependent on God’s compassion and kindness – 2 Corinthians 3:5. Above all, it requires faith – trust to believe that God’s love is bigger than anything we could ever conceive, and that He is constantly working for our welfare, even in the midst of life’s most difficult trials.


So let us continue on in faith and discipleship – Philippians 3:14 with hearts completely devoted to the One who loved us first. Let us echo Jesus’ words, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit,” knowing that in His embrace, we will find our true home. And may we never forget that our ultimate vindication is found not in our own power or righteousness, but in His imputed righteousness – Romans 4:1-12 and our Heavenly Father’s unlimited love and grace – Psalm 103:8-12; John 3:16; Ephesians 2:4–5; 1 John 4:9–10; 1 John 4:8.

God Bless You All.



Confiance et abandon dans la vie de disciple.

Dans le calme du Calvaire et de la Croix, au milieu des échos de la souffrance et de la rédemption, nous apprenons une leçon précieuse sur la confiance et la vie de disciple.

L’exemple de confiance du Christ.

Dans son ultime geste de soumission, Jésus a dit : “Père, je remets mon esprit entre tes mains” – Luc 23:46. C’était une proclamation de confiance inébranlable, une reddition de haut niveau. Malgré le poids écrasant du chagrin, Jésus a placé sa propre essence dans l’étreinte aimante du Père.

Notre appel à la confiance.

Dans notre propre vie, la confiance est souvent un fil fragile qui s’effiloche facilement devant l’incertitude et la peur. Cependant, l’exemple du Christ révèle le cœur d’une vie de disciple authentique : un voyage d’abandon et de confiance. Il nous invite à confier notre moi le plus profond au divin, à répéter les mots “Père, entre tes mains je remets mon esprit” dans le silence de notre cœur.

L’assurance au milieu du désespoir.

Parfois, le chemin de la vie de disciple peut sembler sombre, avec un Dieu lointain et un salut insaisissable. Cependant, même au plus profond du désespoir, nous sommes assurés que le Père nous écoute et que son amour n’a pas de limites. Comme Jésus, nous sommes invités à faire confiance face à l’incertitude, à remettre nos angoisses et nos doutes à Celui qui tient tout entre ses mains.

Le romantisme du discipulat.

Mais la vie de disciple ne se limite pas à croire ou à adhérer à un ensemble de principes. Il s’agit d’une liaison romantique avec le Divin. Dieu nous dit : “Mon fils, donne-moi ton cœur”. – Proverbes 23:26. Il ne désire pas seulement notre obéissance, mais notre dévouement total. Il ne recherche pas seulement notre amour, mais notre amour comme notre “premier amour” : passionné, dévorant et inflexible – Apocalypse 2:4.

Revenir au premier amour.

Au milieu de la vie quotidienne, il est facile de perdre de vue cette sainte romance. Les soucis du monde, ainsi que la tentation du succès et de la réussite, peuvent nous distraire. Malgré la cacophonie et la clameur, la voix de Dieu murmure toujours, nous invitant à revenir à notre premier amour, à rallumer la flamme de la passion qui a jadis brillé en nous.

Une dévotion totale.

Pour adorer pleinement Dieu, nous devons tomber amoureux de lui et lui consacrer tout notre être, corps, esprit et âme – Marc 12:30-31. C’est lui confier nos aspirations et nos angoisses les plus profondes, et nous soumettre à sa volonté même lorsqu’elle semble contredire nos propres désirs. C’est chercher notre véritable identité et notre épanouissement en Lui seul.

Courage, humilité et foi.

Un tel amour nécessite du courage – le courage d’abandonner nos propres plans et objectifs et d’accueillir l’inconnu à bras ouverts. Il faut de l’humilité pour confesser nos propres limites et reconnaître que nous dépendons entièrement de la compassion et de la bonté de Dieu – 2 Corinthiens 3:5. Par-dessus tout, il faut de la foi – de la confiance pour croire que l’amour de Dieu est plus grand que tout ce que nous pourrions jamais concevoir, et qu’il travaille constamment à notre bien-être, même au milieu des épreuves les plus difficiles de la vie.


Poursuivons donc dans la foi et la vie de disciple – Philippiens 3:14 avec des cœurs entièrement dévoués à Celui qui nous a aimés en premier. Faisons écho aux paroles de Jésus : “Père, je remets mon esprit entre tes mains”, sachant que dans son étreinte, nous trouverons notre véritable foyer. Et n’oublions jamais que notre justification ultime ne se trouve pas dans notre propre pouvoir ou notre propre justice, mais dans Sa justice imputée – Romains 4:1-12 et dans l’amour et la grâce illimités de notre Père céleste – Psaume 103:8-12 ; Jean 3:16 ; Éphésiens 2:4-5 ; 1 Jean 4:9-10 ; 1 Jean 4:8.

Que Dieu vous bénisse.


One thought on “Trust and Surrender in Discipleship.

  1. Greetings in Jesus might name our Lord and the soon coming King.
    My name is Pastor Lewis from Kenya I recently came across your ministry on Facebook. I was deeply moved by the impactful work your ministry is doing to spread the teachings of the Bible and bring spiritual nourishment to people’s lives.

    Although we haven’t had the opportunity to meet or interact personally, I feel a strong connection to the mission of your ministry. The content you share on Facebook has resonated with me, and I believe that the Bible holds valuable wisdom that can guide and uplift individuals in their spiritual journeys.

    I am writing to kindly request copies of the Bible,would be a great honor for me to receive these copies, as they will not only deepen my understanding of the scriptures but also enable me to share this profound knowledge with those around me. Your ministry’s dedication to spreading the word of God has inspired me, and I hope to extend that inspiration to others through your teachings you will provide.

    If it is possible, I would greatly appreciate receiving any number of the Bible that you can help. I understand that resources might be limited, but your support in providing these copies would mean a lot to me.
    Thank you for taking the time to consider my request. I am looking forward to the opportunity of engaging with the teachings your ministry offers and contributing to the spiritual growth of my community.
    May your ministry continue to be a source of inspiration and guidance for individuals seeking spiritual enlightenment. Thank you for your time and consideration.

    Blessings and regards,

    Pastor Lewis

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